Page 73 - Six treasures of IMpeerial Art Sothebys Hong Kong April 3 2019
P. 73

While a number of 14th century blue and white stem cups
                                                               of this form and decoration are known in museums and
                                                               private collections, the present example is especially fine
                                                               for the lively depiction of the dragon, the expertly applied
                                                               crisp glaze and the vividness of the cobalt blue. It is evident
                                                               that the piece was highly prized by its owners over the past
                                                               seven centuries. The artist has executed the dragon chasing
                                                               ‘flaming pearls’ in a free and vigorous fashion, bringing
                                                               this mythical creature to life.  While the meaning of the yu
                                                               character, found in the interior of the vessel moulded in front
                                                               of a dragon’s foremost claw, remains a matter of debate, it
                                                               may represent a grading system with the yu, meaning ‘jade’,
                                                               added to especially fine pieces. Some consider it part of
                                                               the decoration representing the meaning ‘jewel’ (bao) and
                                                               associated with the flaming pearl.
                                                               For related stem cups, decorated both with dragons and
                                                               phoenix, see those excavated from the Yuan city site at
                                                               Jininglu in Inner Mongolia included in Chen Yongzhi ed.,
                                                               Porcelain Unearthed from Jininglu Ancient City Site in Inner
                                                               Mongolia, Beijing, 2004, pl. 46 for a dragon stem cup, pls
                                                               42-4 for three stem cups decorated with phoenix, and p.
                                                               12 for several pieces packed together in a jar as found on
                                                               site. Another example, excavated from the tomb of the
                                                               eminent Ming official Wang Xingzu, datable to the fourth
                                                               year of Hongwu (1371), in the Nanjing Museum, is published
                                                               in Wang Qingzheng, Underglaze Blue and Red, Hong Kong,
                                                               1993, pl. 33; and a third, in the Art Museum, Chinese
                                                               University of Hong Kong, was included in the exhibition
                                                               Yuan and Ming Blue and White Ware from Jiangxi, Jiangxi
                                                               Provincial Museum, Nanchang, 2002, cat. no. 15. Compare
                                                               a related stem cup, but with stiff leaves encircling the foot,
                                                               in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete
                                                               Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Blue and
                                                               White Porcelain with Underglazed Red (I), Shanghai, 2000,
                                                               pl. 12.
                                                               See also a stem cup in the British Museum, London,
                                                               published in Jessica Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics in the
                                                               British Museum, London, 2001, pl. 1:24; two similar stem
                                                               cups from the collections of Mrs O. Harriman and Lord
                                                               Cunliffe, included in the exhibition Chinese Blue and White
                                                               Porcelain: 14th to 19th Centuries, The Oriental Ceramic
                                                               Society at the Arts Council Gallery, London, 1953-3, cat. nos
                                                               11 and 12 respectively; and a fourth example from the R.H.R.
                                                               Palmer and Jingguantang collections, sold several times at
                                                               auction and most recently in these rooms, 9th October 2012,
                                                               lot 17, from the Meiyintang collection.

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