Page 30 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 30

1026                                               1027

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          LU QINGYUAN (B. 1946)                              ZHAO SHAO’ANG (1905-1998)
          Mother and Son                                     Flowers and Mantis / Calligraphy
          Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper  Two scrolls, mounted as one scroll and framed, ink and colour on
          120 x 60 cm. (47 º x 23 ¬ in.)                     paper / ink on paper
          Signed, with one seal of the artist                Each scroll measures 29 x 37.5 cm. (11 ¡ x 14 Æ in.)
                                                             Flower and Mantis entitled, inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist
          EXHIBITED:                                         Dated spring, second month, wuchen year (1988)
          Hong Kong, Hong Kong Central Library, Review of Lu Qingyuan: at
          the Age of 65, 24-26 February 2012.                Calligraphy inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist
                                                             Dated spring, second month, dingmao year (1987)
          Review of Lu Qingyuan’s Chinese Paintings: at the Age of 65, Yun Shan   HK$65,000-85,000   US$8,500-11,000
          Art Gallery, Taichung, 2012, p.24.
                                                             趙少昂      春到枝頭萬點紅/書法          設色紙本/水墨紙本
          HK$100,000-150,000               US$13,000-19,000                          雙挖鏡框     一九八八/八七年作
          盧清遠     育雛     設色紙本     鏡框                         1.  題識: 春到枝頭萬點紅。
          款識:清遠。                                                鈐印:趙
          鈐印:清遠                                              2.  題識: 天風吹送滿園紅,爛熳枝頭造化工。
          展覽: 香港,香港中央圖書館,“盧清遠六十五歲回顧展”,                               形影不離雙小鳥,相偎無語夕陽中。
              2012年2月24─26日。                                         戊戌(1958年)題桃花之作。
          出版: 《盧清遠國畫集(三)─盧清遠六十五歲回顧展》,雲山畫                        鈐印:少昂、趙
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