Page 109 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
P. 109

This superb celadon vase exemplifes the fnest Longquan celadon wares,   此件龍泉魚耳瓶釉色粉青,形制碩大,模印清晰,誠為龍泉青瓷的上
                  which have been revered both in China and Japan for more than seven   乘之作。憑藉多次施釉的特殊工藝和先進的龍窯所營造的還原燒造氣
                  hundred years. At its fnest, as on the current vase, Longquan celadon glaze   氛,南宋龍泉青釉得以創造出層次豐富,厚如堆脂的粉青釉。這種理
                  is thick, translucent and has a rich texture reminiscent of jade. The glaze   想的龍泉青釉在日本被稱為「砧青瓷」。「砧青瓷」的名稱據信來自
                  on the current vase also displays the ideal soft bluish-green color, which   於龍泉青瓷紙槌瓶的器形,蓋因是種器形形似造紙打漿用的砧杵。另
                  was so diffcult for potters to achieve, but has always been greatly admired
                  by connoisseurs. This particularly fne glaze type is often known by the
                  Japanese name kinuta, which in fact is the term for a mallet, but which
                  refers to mallet-shaped vases, such as the current example, which were   嵌以銅釘修補,由於砧杵的捣練聲與陶瓷器開裂聲相通,因此將同類
                  imported into Japan in the Southern Song (1127-1279) and Yuan (1279-  的青瓷命名為「砧青瓷」,見謝明良《陶瓷手記》,12頁。
                  1368) dynasties, and became associated with this, the most desired, glaze
                  color.                                                 魚耳瓶即是在紙槌瓶造型的基礎上附加雙魚耳所成,此為龍泉窯的創
                  Longquan vases with the type of handles seen on the current vessel are rare.
                  The handles are in the shape of yulong (dragon-fsh) with fsh-like bodies   關的傳説中多有述及。瓷器上的魚龍最早以剔刻或繪畫的形式出現,
                  and dragon-like heads. Dragon-fsh are mentioned in Chinese literature   如唐代長沙窯和越窯瓷器上的魚龍紋,然而立體的魚龍形象要遲至
                  as early as the Bronze Age, and appear in legends related in the Shanhaijing   宋/遼時期才出現。宋瓷魚龍的形象著重表現了魚化龍的動態,或出
                  (Classic of Mountains and Seas). They were included in painted and incised   自東漢傳説中鯉魚躍龍門的故事。在中國傳統中,鯉魚躍龍門被用來
                  decoration on ceramics of the Tang dynasty, from kilns such as Changsha   比喻舉子十年寒窗一朝入仕的歷程。
                  and Yue, but do not seem to occur in three-dimensional ceramic form
                  until the Song and Liao dynasties. By the Song dynasty, handles such as   龍泉魚耳瓶十分罕見,而如本品這樣高度達28.5公分的大魚耳瓶更
                  these depicted a carp in the process of turning into a dragon. This evokes a   是難能可貴。目前見諸出版的龍泉魚耳瓶尺寸多數較小,如浙江麗水
                  legend, which dates from at least as early as the Eastern Han dynasty (AD 8   松陽縣南宋墓出土的一件(高16公分),載於朱伯謙,《龍泉窯青
                  - 220), that tells of the carp swimming up river to the Dragon Gate. If it is
                  successful in leaping over the gate it turns into a dragon. This legend soon
                                                                         (高16.8公分),現存Victoria and Albert Museum,載於柯玫
                  came to represent the success of the Chinese scholars, who studied hard to
                  pass the civil service examinations, and if they achieved the highest grade   瑰,《Song Dynasty Ceramics》,倫敦,2004年,94頁,編號
                  would attain an offcial post.                          95。Carl Kempe收藏中有兩例 龍泉魚耳瓶,一件高20公分,另一
                                                                         件高26公分,載於Bo Gyllensvärd,《Chinese Ceramics in the
                  As mentioned above, vases with dragon-fsh handles are quite rare, and   Carl Kempe Collection》, 1962年,51頁,編號98及99。另有兩
                  the current vase is even more rare for being unusually large, as well as   例與Carl Kempe所藏魚耳瓶尺寸相近者,其一為Njoo收藏(高26
                  having an unusually fne glaze. The majority of Longquan mallet vases are   公分),載於《Chinese Celadons and Other Related Wares in
                  signifcantly smaller. A Longquan mallet vase with dragon-fsh handles,   Southeast Asia》,新加坡,1979年,圖73;另一件出於韓國新安
                  excavated in 1983 from a Southern Song tomb in Songyangxian, which   沉船(高25.7公分),見 《新安海底文物》,首爾,1977年,編號
                  is only 16 cm. high, is illustrated by Zhu Boqian (ed.), Celadons from
                                                                         3。, no. 3. 見諸出版尺寸達到本件龍泉魚耳瓶者(高28.6公分)僅
                  Longquan Kilns, Taipei, 1998, p. 149, no. 116; while the fne example from   有兩例,一為Brodie Lodge舊藏(高28公分),著錄於東方古陶瓷
                  the Barlow Collection, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, is only
                                                                         協會,《The Arts of the Sung Dynasty》,倫敦,1960年,編號
                  16.8 cm. high, see Rose Kerr, Song Dynasty Ceramics, London, 2004, p. 94,
                  no. 95. Further smaller vases of this type include two in the Carl Kempe
                  Collection illustrated by Bo Gyllensvärd, Chinese Ceramics in the Carl Kempe   (高28.8公分),2008年3月19日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品561號 。
                  Collection, Stockholm/Güteborg/Uppsala, 1962, p. 51, no. 98 (20 cm.
                  high) and no. 99 (26 cm. high); a third vase in the Njoo Collection (also
                  26 cm. high) is illustrated in the exhibition catalogue Chinese Celadons and
                  Other Related Wares in Southeast Asia, Singapore, 1979, pl. 73, left; and a
                  fourth example (25.7 cm. high) was recovered from the wreck of a vessel
                  which sank off the Sinan coast of Korea in about 1323 on its way to Japan,
                  and is illustrated in Xin’an haidi wenwu (Cultural Relics from the Sinan
                  Seabed), Seoul, 1977, no. 3.

                  There appear to be only two other published examples of a Longquan
                  mallet-shaped vase with dragon-fsh handles that comes close to the
                  imposing size (28.6 cm.) of the current vessel: one is the vase in the Brodie
                  Lodge Collection (28 cm. high) included in the Oriental Ceramic Society
                  exhibition, The Arts of the Sung Dynasty, London, 1960, no. 173, pl. 64,
                  right; the other is the Lord Matsudaira Fumai’s kinuta vase (28.8 cm. high)
                  which was sold at Christie’s New York, 19 March 2008, lot 561.

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