Page 130 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
P. 130


           北       A LARGE JUN DISH                                    北宋   鈞窯天青釉盤
           宋       NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY (960-1127)

           鈞       The shallow dish is well potted with rounded sides rising to the   來源
           窯       slightly inverted rim encircled on the exterior by a fnger-molded   埃斯肯納齊,倫敦。
           澱       band. The dish is covered overall with a pale lavender-blue glaze   展覽
                   which thins to mushroom at the rim, and continues onto the
           青       countersunk base which has fve spur marks.          佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2012年
           釉       11Ω in. (29.1 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box         11月22至27日;紐約,2013年3月15至20日;倫敦,2013年5月
           盤       $60,000-80,000                  £45,000-59,000      著錄
                                                                       蘇玫瑰,‘Chinese Classic Wares from a Japanese Collection:
                                                                       Song Ceramics from the Linyushanren Collection’, 《Arts of
                   Eskenazi, London.
                   Christie’s, The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of Song   燒製如此大尺寸的鈞釉盤頗具挑戰,陶工需要在燒造過程中對釉的
                   Treasures from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, 22 to 27   流淌及瓷坯的狀態有精確的把控,爲了使釉能夠覆蓋全器,此器更
                   November 2012; New York, 15 to 20 March 2013; London, 10 to   以五個支釘支燒,可見其製作之精細。國立故宮博物院藏有一件相
                   14 May 2013.                                        似的鈞窯盤,亦以五個支釘支燒,惟圈足較寬,載於1999年臺北出
                   Christie’s, The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of Song   件鈞窯折沿盤,尺寸較小(直徑19.7公分)載於前揭書,144-145
                   Treasures from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, 2012,    頁,編號54。
                   pp. 64-65, no. 16.
                   Rosemary Scott, ‘Chinese Classic Wares from a Japanese Collection:
                   Song Ceramics from the Linyushanren Collection’, Arts of Asia,
                   March-April 2014, pp. 97-108, fg. 18.
                   The success of such a gracefully restrained vessel as the present dish
                   requires absolute mastery of the glaze during the fring process;
                   there can be no distractions from the simplicity of the form and
                   the luminosity of the glaze. To maintain this simplicity and ensure
                   maximum glaze coverage, including on the foot, the dish was
                   raised on fve tiny spurs for fring. The unusually large dimensions
                   of the present dish presented an additional challenge; the result is a
                   rare treasure of serenity and elegance.
                   A dish of similar size, also fred on fve small spurs, but with a
                   wider foot ring, is illustrated in A Panorama of Ceramics in the
                   Collection of the National Palace Museum: Chun Ware, Taipei, 1999,
                   p. 152-153, no. 58. Another similar Jun dish, but of smaller size
                   (19.7 cm. diam.) and with a fattened rim, is illustrated ibid.,
                   pp. 144-145, no. 54.


           The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三)                                                     128
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