Page 126 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
P. 126
Of all the ceramic forms produced at the Jun kilns, the ‘bubble’ bowl 在衆多的鈞窯器形中此類造型雋秀、盈盈可握的小盌或最能體現鈞釉之
perhaps shows the famous Jun glaze to its best advantage. As on the 美。正如此盌中看到的這樣,天藍釉面在淺圓的盌内顯得格外螢潤光亮,
present example, the glaze on these bowls is often of a particularly 又飾以間有蘋果綠的玫瑰紫色斑塊,猶如一個氣泡,這可能也是此類盌在
luminous blue, punctuated by vivid, dynamic purple and green splashes. 西方被稱爲「泡泡盌」的原因。
The effect is to create an intimate, jewel-like piece that delights when
held in the hand. 鈞釉所呈現的藍光並非因其釉中有藍色的顯色物質,而是由一種被稱爲
The instantly-recognizable opalescent blue of the Jun glaze is in fact
primarily due to an optical effect, rather than to an actual blue element 物在長時間高溫狀態下慢慢冷卻。最早的鈞窯器只呈素藍色,自十一世紀
within the composition of the glaze. After high fring, the pieces in 末起,鈞瓷開始加入紫紅斑裝飾,那是在窯燒之前在釉面上塗上氧化銅的
the kilns were cooled very slowly, resulting in the development of tiny 效果。2001年禹州劉家門窯址的發掘中,在北宋晚期地層發現了使用大面
globules of lime-rich glass within the silica-rich glaze matrix, a process 積銅紅釉以及用紫斑裝飾的瓷片,見劉家門鈞窯發掘簡報《文物》2003年
known as ‘liquid-liquid phase separation’. 第11期,圖13及19。在同一地層亦發現了此類小盌的殘片,其線圖發表於
The purple splashes are the result of the deliberate application of copper 前揭書34頁,圖15.7。
oxides to the surface of the unfred glaze, a decorative technique which
appears from the end of the 11th century. In the 2001 excavation of the 此類紫斑小盌為鈞窯名品,直徑多在9公分左右。傳世同類小盌見於世界
Liujiamen Jun ware kiln site in Shenhou, Yuzhou city, Jun ware shards 各大博物館館藏者有故宮博物院藏一例(8.3公分),載於1996年出版故
decorated with large red and purple areas were found in the late Northern 宮博物院藏文物珍品全集《兩宋瓷器(上)》,246 頁,圖版222;大維
Song strata. See ‘Liujiamen junyao fajue jianbao’ (Brief of the Excavation 德基金會藏一例(8.6 公分),載於畢宗陶著,倫敦2003年出版
of Jun Ware at Liujiamen), Wenwu (Cultural Relics), 2003, no. 11, fg. 13 《Song Ceramics: Objects of Admiration》,61頁,圖20;紐約大
and 19. From the same excavation, a shard of a small bowl with rounded
都會博物館藏一例(8.6 公分),載於S. Valenstein, A Handbook of
sides and a slightly inverted rim, strongly reminiscent of the current bowl,
Chinese Ceramics, New York, 1975年,87頁,編號80;以及日内瓦
was also found in the late Northern Song stratum. A line drawing of this
shard is illustrated ibid., p. 34, fg. 15.7. 鮑爾收藏的兩件(皆8.5公分),見J. Ayers,《The Baur Collection》
Small Jun-glazed bowls with splashes both on the inside and out are 2012年5月30日在香港佳士得拍賣,拍品4051號;另一件為臨宇山人舊
highly sought after. Examples of ‘bubble’ bowls, mostly of below 9 cm. 藏,2015年12月2日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品2808號。
in diameter, include one in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in
The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum - 32 - Porcelain of
the Song Dynasty (I), Hong Kong, 1996, p. 246, pl. 222 (8.3 cm. diam.);
another in the collection of the Percival David Foundation of Chinese
Art, now on loan to the British Museum, illustrated by S. Pierson, Song
Ceramics: Objects of Admiration, London, 2003, pp. 60-61, pl. 20 (PDF
45B) (8.6 cm. diam.); and one in The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
illustrated by S. Valenstein, A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics, New York,
1975, p. 87, no. 80 (50.145.316) (8.6 cm. diam.). Two further bowls
are illustrated by J. Ayers, The Baur Collection, Geneva, 1968, vol. 1, nos.
A31 and A32 (both 8.5 cm. diam.). See, also, the bowl sold at Christie’s
Hong Kong, 30 May 2012, lot 4051, and another bowl, also from the
Linyushanren Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 2 December
2015, lot 2808.
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三) 124