Page 31 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
P. 31

THE ‘PARTRIDGE-FEATHER’                                   臨宇山人珍藏:
               DING BOWL FROM                                            定窯黑釉鷓鴣斑盌
               THE LINYUSHANREN
               COLLECTION                                                毛瑞

               Robert D. Mowry                                           哈佛大學藝術博物館亞洲部榮譽主任
               Alan J. Dworsky Curator of Chinese Art Emeritus,
               Harvard Art Museums
               Senior Consultant, Christie’s

               Extraordinarily beautiful, the ‘partridge-feather’ Ding bowl from the   是次拍賣的臨宇山人珍藏定窯黑釉鷓鴣斑盌妙不可言,它跟寥
               Linyushanren Collection numbers among the few known examples   寥數例已知定窯黑釉盌一樣,俱屬宋代陶瓷的典藏之作,珍罕
               of black-glazed Ding ware, the rarest of Song-dynasty ceramics, rarer   程度比御製汝窯和官窯器物更甚。而本件黑定鷓鴣斑斗笠盌更
               even than imperial Ru and Guan wares. In fact, this is the only such   是私人收藏中的孤例。此盌黑釉腴潤,所飾黃褐斑疏落有致、
               conical bowl known still to be in private hands. The bowl’s lustrous
               black glaze exhibits a well-dispersed pattern of short, vertically oriented,
               russet mottles and is traditionally termed a ‘partridge-feather’ glaze, or
               zhegubanyou 鷓鴣斑釉. Produced in the late eleventh or early twelfth
               century, this conical bowl displays all the hallmarks of classic black-glazed   在俱是經典定窯黑器的特徵。
               Ding ware, from its conical shape and white porcelain body to its thin
                                                                         定窯器出自河北曲陽縣 (北京西南面約100英哩處) 若干小窯,
               walls and light weight, to it lustrous glaze and sparse embellishment, to its
                                                                         由於北宋年間 (公元960至1127年) 地處定州,因而得名。明代
               unglazed foot and partially glazed base.
                                                                         (公元1368至1644年) 和清代 (公元1644至1911年) 鑑藏家均
               Produced at a number of small kilns in Quyang county 河北省曲陽縣 (in
               central Hebei province, about 100 miles to the southwest of Beijing),
               Ding ware 定窯 is so named because Quyang county fell within the   哥窯。定窯以牙白釉器馳名天下,但它也有燒造褐釉和黑釉作
               Dingzhou 定州 administrative district during the Northern Song period   品,臨宇山人的典藏級鷓鴣斑釉斗笠盌便是一例。北宋時期定
               (960–1127). Collectors of the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1911)   窯曾為朝廷供應大批陶瓷器物,其中也有黑釉器的身影。
               dynasties ranked Ding ware among the “fve great wares of the Song”
               五大名窯, along with Jun 均窯, Ru 汝窯, Guan 官窯, and Ge 哥窯 wares.   跟經典黑釉定窯盌一樣,這件珍品為笠式,形制與另外三件
               Celebrated for their ivory-hued porcelains, the Ding kilns also produced   已確定為定窯製品的例子如出一轍:其一為大維德基金會珍
               pieces with russet and black glazes, such as the magnifcent ‘partridge-  藏,現永久外借予大英博物館展出 (館藏號PDF.300) 1, 另
               feather’ conical bowl from the Linyushanren Collection. The Ding   外二例為哈佛大學藝術博物館藏 (館藏號1942.185.404及
               kilns supplied substantial quantities of ceramic ware to the palace in the   1942.185.411) 2。   (台北國立故宮博物院現藏第五例近似盌,
               Northern Song period, including black-glazed wares.
               Characteristic of dark-glazed Ding bowls, this superb vessel is conical   別和比對,所以拙文未有論及。 3) 上述四盌之內底皆清晰平
               in shape, its form virtually identical to those of the three other dark-  坦,直徑約2.5公分,其上盌壁外敞,內底與外底大小相應。
               glazed bowls securely assigned to the Ding kilns:  the single bowl in the   雖有許多定窯白釉盌器壁微鼓,但與黑釉盌關係尤為密切者,
               Percival David Foundation Collection, now on permanent loan to the   是一批珍罕之至的定窯白釉斗笠盌,就此可參照香港佳士得於
               British Museum (PDF.300) 1,  and the two bowls in the collection of the   2016年5月30日拍出的一例珍品北宋定窯白釉斗笠盌 (拍品編
               Harvard Art Museums (1942.185.404 and 1942.185.411) 2  (Figs. 1 and   號3016) 4。   該例定窯白釉盌,堪稱為臨宇山人、哈佛及大維
               2). (A ffth bowl, now in the collection of the National Palace Museum,   德珍藏黑盌的絕配;而且,五件作品大小相若,四例黑釉盌的
               Taipei, may well belong to this small group of black Ding bowls, but
               it has not been available for direct study and comparison so it is not
               discussed here. 3) (Fig. 3) Each of these four bowls has a well-defned, fat
               foor approximately 2.5 cm in diameter from which the expanding walls
                                                                         泰半刻含蓄低調的花紋,數十年後,一批可能出自金代 (公元
               rise; the foor corresponds to the base on the bowl’s underside. Although
               many white Ding bowls have gently rounded side walls, the white Ding   1115至1234年) 的作品則大多飾模印紋飾; 5 對比之下,有紋
               bowls that correspond most closely to their dark-glazed congeners are the   飾的定窯黑釉盌最常採用的是鷓鴣斑,這是一種抽象或非具象
               rare conical ones, such as the superb, Northern Song, white Ding conical   的圖案,而非定窯白器慣用的花卉和其他具象圖紋。跟定窯白
               bowl from Linyushanren Collection that sold at Christie’s, Hong Kong,   釉器一樣,定窯黑釉盌的器壁極薄,故入手極輕。
               on 30 May 2016, lot 3016 4.  That conical bowl is the perfect white
               Ding counterpart to the Linyushanren, Harvard, and David Foundation   臨宇山人珍藏定窯鷓鴣斑釉盌比定窯白釉盌較高且厚,但高
               black-glazed bowls; moreover, all fve bowls are similar in size, the four   度、式樣均與哈佛、大維德珍藏黑定盌大同小異。定窯白釉盌
               dark-glazed bowls ranging between 18.4 and 19 cm in diameter, the   乃覆燒而成,圈足滿釉,而口沿的釉料在窯燒前已抹去。與此
               white Ding bowl measuring 21 cm in diameter. The walls of such Ding   同時,定窯黑釉盌乃仰燒而成,口沿滿釉,但圈足的釉料在窯
               conical bowls, whether white- or black-glazed, often give the impression
               of being subtly bowed when viewed in profle; even so, their walls
               expand outward in an insistently ruler-straight line. Northern Song-

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