Page 33 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
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Fig. 2 Ding russet-splashed black-glazed conical bowl, Northern Song dynasty, late 11th-early 12th century, 18.9 cm. diam. Collection of the Harvard Art Museums/
                       Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Gift of Ernest B. and Helen Pratt Dane. Photo: Imaging Department © President and Fellows of Harvard College.
                       圖二 北宋11世紀晚期至12世紀早期   定窯黑釉鷓鴣斑斗笠盌(直徑18.9公分)   哈佛大學博物館藏
               base, leaving the fngerprint impression in the glaze there. Curious as it   紅,就此可參照燒柴的窯口用還原焰燒製的青白及其它景德
               is, the fngerprint on the base is a standard feature of dark-glazed Ding   鎮窯器。
               bowls and likely refects no more than the consciously adopted and well-
               practiced manner in which potters—or perhaps a single potter—held the   最晚在漢代 (公元前206至公元220年),中國陶工已開始試燒
               bowls while dipping them.                                  高溫黑釉 (以深褐居多) 陶瓷,自公元四、五世紀以降,黑釉
               The body of this bowl is porcelain and thus is vitrifed, due to the high   而,它要到唐代始大放異彩,其中的佼佼者為陝西的銅川市耀
               temperature at which the bowl was fred. The smooth, fne-grained,
               pure-white porcelain body is visible on the unglazed areas of the footring   州黃堡鎮窯,以及河南的魯山段店、郟縣黃道和鞏義 (前稱鞏
               and base. In addition, the body’s warm, ivory tone is clearly visible in a   縣) 窯。魯山和黃道二窯的作品為釉色深褐的淺灰粗瓷,大多
               tiny, clear-glazed spot on the bowl’s interior just below the rim, a fring   襯色彩斑駁的天藍斑,而鞏義窯間或會燒造內白外黑的小盌。
               anomaly that is original to the piece; though glazed, the spot lacks the   唐代上述各窯的黑釉器表俱為亞光,而相比之下,自十一世紀
               dark color of the surrounding glaze matrix as, for reasons of physics,   以降的定窯黑釉皆滑潤光生。事實上,定窯正是創燒光潤黑釉
               the coloring agent that imparts the black color pulled away from that   的首個華北窯系,其審美趣味和製作水平,亦成為了其他華北
               tiny spot during fring, leaving the spot coated with clear, colorless   窯口日後仿燒黑釉器的參考對象。
               glaze through which the warm, ivory hue of the body is clearly visible.
               Composed almost entirely of kaolin, the body is visually identical in color   雖然大家泛以「黑釉」稱之,但須強調的是,清代之前的黑釉
               and general appearance to that of white Ding ware; in fact, scientifc
               testing at Harvard revealed that the porcelain bodies of white- and
               dark-glazed Ding wares are identical. 7  In addition, like those of white   就此可證諸臨宇山人、哈佛及大維德珍藏盌沿下釉薄處。雖然
               Ding wares, the porcelain bodies of the Linyushanren and related black-
               glazed Ding bowls are translucent. Although the black glaze is seemingly   前述定窯盌皆滿釉,但其口沿釉色偏淺,臨宇山人和哈佛定窯
               opaque, light can be transmitted through the bowl’s thin walls in those
               areas where the glaze is naturally thin—immediately below the rim, for   在窯燒時因垂流而變薄,情形與呈色劑被抽離相若,所以上
               example.                                                   述各例的盌沿皆呈色偏淡。黑定鑲銅者少之又少,而白定則
                                                                          相反,它們一般在窯燒後旋即鑲銅,以掩飾無釉的芒口。 8 事
               Ding wares were fred in small, domed, or mound-shaped, kilns known   實上,像大維德定窯黑釉盌所見的金屬鑲口,其添加的年代
               in Chinese as mantouyao 饅頭窯, or “dumpling kilns”, the name denoting   可能頗後,它既可彰顯此物之罕貴和非同凡響,也可掩飾口沿
               their similarity in shape to Chinese dumplings, or mantou. Although fred
               with wood in the late Tang (618–907) and Five Dynasties (907–960)
               periods—their earliest phase of development—the Ding kilns came to rely   北宋黑釉定窯盌或像大維德盌般光素無紋,或像臨宇山人及哈
               on coal as fuel beginning in the tenth century. When used to fuel kilns,
               coal generally gives rise to oxidation fring  氧化焰 with the result that   佛定窯盌般飾鷓鴣斑。這種黑底赤褐色的斑紋,是於窯燒前在
               white Ding wares have pale, honey-colored glazes rather than the very   釉面施赤褐化妝土而成。 化妝土也像黑釉一樣,當中加了氧
               pale blue glazes of the fnest Xing wares 邢窯 or of the Qingbai wares 青  化鐵,使之呈色紅褐。在北方窯口中,定窯應是首個以鷓鴣斑
               白窯 produced at Jingdezhen in Jiangxi province 江西省景德鎮. In addition,   點綴黑釉器的窯系。但陶穀曾於其十世紀著作《清異錄》中論
               due to oxidation fring, the exposed body clay on Ding ware—whether   及飾鷓鴣斑的建窯茶盞,並提到這類釉料可能發源於福建建
               the unglazed rims on white Ding ware or the unglazed footrings on dark-  窯,其後方傳至華北,據云:「閩中造盞,花紋鷓鴣斑,點
               glazed Ding ware—lacks the thin reddish skin that typically forms on   試茶家珍之。」 9   我們現已無從得知,陶穀文中「鷓鴣斑」
               areas of unglazed body clay on porcelains fred in a reducing atmosphere
               還原焰, such as Qingbai and other wares from Jingdezhen, for example,
               which were fred in a reducing atmosphere in wood-fueled kilns.

               31                                                                                   The Linyushanren Collection, Part III
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