Page 64 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
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           北       A VERY RARE AND IMPORTANT PAINTED                   北宋/金 磁州窯白地黑花魚藻紋小口瓶
            /      NORTHERN SONG-JIN DYNASTY (960-1234)
                   The vase has a rounded, ovoid body below a slightly waisted neck   來源
                   that rises to a lipped rim, and is painted in brownish-black slip with   山田多計治珍藏,蘆屋。
                   fsh amidst water weeds on a creamy slip ground below a band of   繭山龍泉堂,東京。
           磁       overlapping petals on the shoulder, all under a clear glaze. The foot   安宅收藏。
                   ring is unglazed exposing the grey body.
           州                                                           展覽
           窯       9√ in. (25.1 cm.) high, Japanese double wood box    日本經濟新聞社,《美の美展》,第6回,東京日本橋三越百貨公
           白                                                           司, 1967年8月29日至9月3日。
           地       $500,000-700,000       HK$ 3,900,000-5,400,000      三越百貨公司, 1972年11月。
           鉄                                                           日本經濟新聞社,《中国陶磁名品展: 安宅コレクション》,東京
           絵       PROVENANCE                                          日本橋三越百貨公司, 1975年9月。
                   The Takeji Yamada Collection, Ashiya.
           魚       Mayuyama, Tokyo.                                    11 月22至27日;紐約,2013年3月15至20日;倫敦,2013年5月
           藻       The Ataka Collection.                               10 至14日。
           文       EXHIBITED                                           著錄
           瓶       Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, Bi no bi ten (The Beauty of Beauty   小山富士夫,《宋磁》,東京 , 1943年,編號37。
                   Exhibition), no. 6, Tokyo Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Department   小山富士夫編,《世界陶瓷全集》,卷10:宋遼篇,東京,1955
                   Store, 29 August to 3 September 1967.               年,231頁,圖版102。
                   Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Osaka Mitsukoshi Department Store, Ataka   日本經濟新聞社,《美の美展》,第6回,東京,1967年。
                   korekushon: chugoku toji meihin ten (Masterpieces of Old Chinese   小山富士夫,《陶器講座》,卷6: 中國 ll 宋, 東京,1971年, 編
                   Ceramics from the Ataka Collection), Osaka, November 1972.  號50。
                   Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Tokyo Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Department   日本經濟新聞社,《中国陶磁名品展:安宅コレクション》, 東
                   Store, Ataka korekushon: chugoku toji meihin ten (Masterpieces of Old   京,1972年,編號23。
                   Chinese Ceramics from the Ataka Collection), Tokyo,    長谷部樂爾,《陶磁大系》,卷39, 1974年, 東京, 編號60。
                   15 September to 28 September 1975.                  日本經濟新聞社,《中国陶磁名品展 : 安宅コレクション》, 東
                   Christie’s, The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of Song   京,1975年,編號35。
                   Treasures from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, 22 to 27
                   November 2012; New York, 15 to 20 March 2013; London, 10 to
                                                                       三上次男,《世界陶磁全集》,卷13: 遼金元 ,東京,1981
                   14 May 2013.
                   LITERATURE                                          佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2012
                   Koyama Fujio, Soji, Tokyo, 1943, no. 37.            年,136-137頁,編號56。
                   Koyama Fujio, ed., Sekai Toji Zenshu (Collection of World’s   蘇玫瑰,‘Chinese Classic Wares from a Japanese Collection:
                   Ceramics), vol. 10: China Sung and Liao Dynasties, Tokyo, 1955,    Song Ceramics from the Linyushanren Collection’, 《Arts of
                   p. 231, fg. 102.                                    Asia》,2014年3月至4月,97-108頁,圖1。
                   Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, Bi no bi ten (The Beauty of Beauty
                   Exhibition), no. 6, Tokyo, 1967.
                   Koyama Fujio, ed., Toki Koza (Lecture of Ceramics), vol. 6:
                   Chugoku II So (China II Song), Tokyo, 1971, no. 50.
                   Nihon Keizai Shinbusha, Ataka korekushon: chugoku toji meihin ten
                   (Masterpieces of Old Chinese Ceramics from the Ataka Collection),
                   Tokyo, 1972, no. 23.
                   Hasebe Gakuji, ed., Toji Taikei (Compendium of Ceramics), vol. 39:
                   Jishu Yo, Tokyo, 1974, no. 60.
                   Nihon Keizai Shinbusha, Ataka korekushohugoku toji meihin ten
                   (Masterpieces of Old Chinese Ceramics from the Ataka Collection),
                   Tokyo, 1975, no. 35.
                   Mayuyama Junkichi, Ryusen Shuho (Mayuyama, Seventy Years),
                   Tokyo, 1976, vol. 1, no. 520.
                   Mikami Tsugio, Sekai Toji Zenshu (Ceramic Art of the World),
                   vol. 13: Liao, Chin and Yüan Dynasties, Tokyo, 1981, no. 246.
                   Christie’s, The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of Song
                   Treasures from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, 2012,
                   pp. 136-137, no. 56.
                   Rosemary Scott, ‘Chinese Classic Wares from a Japanese Collection:
                   Song Ceramics from the Linyushanren Collection’, Arts of Asia,
                   March-April 2014, pp. 97-108, fg. 1.
           The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三)                                                     62
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