Page 66 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
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On the present meiping the Cizhou potters’ free and skillful painting 本件魚藻紋小口瓶為磁州窯名品,原屬世界著名的安宅收藏,屢經出版傳
style brilliantly conveys the convincing impression of the fow of the 承有序。本件作品的出彩之處在於畫師對水中游魚、水藻動態的精確把
water. The lively painted decoration of fsh amidst aquatic plants was 握, 筆畫雖簡而神韻儼然。游魚水藻的圖式最早出現於宋代繪畫,著名者
likely inspired by contemporaneous paintings, such as the Northern 如現藏聖路易斯美術館的北宋劉窠《落花游魚圖》,紐約大都會博物館所
Song handscroll, Luohua youyu tu, by Liu Ke, now in the Saint Louis Art 藏傳宋趙克夐《藻魚圖》,以及宋末元初周東卿《魚樂圖》(圖一)。
Museum; a Southern Song album leaf attributed to Zhao Kexiong, now 《莊子.秋水》有載:「莊子與惠子遊於濠梁之上。莊子曰儵魚出遊從容,
in The Metropolitan Museum of Art; and a 13th-century handscroll, Yule
tu (The Pleasures of Fishes) by Zhou Dongqing. (Fig. 1) This subjects
recalls a famous passage from the Daoist classic Zhuangzi, in which
Zhuangzi, strolling beside a river, observed, “See how the small fsh come
out and dart around where they please! That’s what fsh really enjoy!” His 磁州窯小口瓶飾魚藻紋者極其罕見。同類磁州窯魚藻紋小口瓶可參見1977
companion Huizi remarked, “You’re not a fsh - how do you know what 年東京出版《世界陶磁全集》中的一例,惟魚藻紋繪畫較爲粗疏,見該書
fsh enjoy?” to which Zhuangzi replied, “You are not I, so how do you 卷12, 237頁,編號247。磁州窯畫花小口瓶另有一類飾花卉蝴蝶紋者,
know I don’t know what fsh enjoy?” 如熱海MOA美術館藏一例,載於蓑豊,《Freedom of Clay and Brush
through Seven Centuries in Northern China: Tz’u-chou Type
Cizhou truncated meiping with fsh and aquatic plant design are extremely
Wares, 960-1600 A.D》,印地安納波利斯,1980年,110頁,圖版112
rare. A Cizhou truncated meiping of this type, with somewhat sketchily
drawn fsh between two horizontal bands of water plants on its upper 。蓑豊於該書中另引兩件花卉蝴蝶紋近似例,一為東京國立博物館藏,另
body, is illustrated by Gakuji Hasebe in Sekai toji zenshu, Tokyo, 1977, 一為佐野美術館藏。亦可比波士頓美術館藏一件磁州窯魚藻紋雙系罐,著
vol. 12, Song dynasty, p. 237, no. 247. Another truncated meiping, 錄於《Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections》,
decorated with various fower and butterfy motifs, is in the MOA 東京,1980年,卷10,編號29。
Museum of Art, Atami, and is illustrated by Yutaka Mino in Freedom of
Clay and Brush through Seven Centuries in Northern China: Tz’u-chou type
Wares, 960-1600 A.D., Indianapolis, 1980, p. 198-99, pl. 87, where
the author illustrates two further truncated meiping, one in the Tokyo
National Museum (fg. 248), and the other in the Sano Museum (fg.
249). Compare, also, a Cizhou twin-handled jar decorated with similar
fsh and aquatic plants motif in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections, vol. 10,
Tokyo, 1980, no. 29.
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三) 64