Page 96 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
P. 96
Jian tea bowls were held in high esteem by the Song scholar-offcial class 北宋晚期,飲茶、鬥茶之風盛行。建盞因其色黑而能襯托白茶茶色而被視
and even the emperors. Cai Xiang (1012-1067), the famous calligrapher 為最適用的茶盞。北宋蔡襄 (1049-1054) 在其《茶錄》一書中說道:“
and high-ranking offcial at the Northern Song court, designated the ‘hare’s 茶色白,宜黑盞,建安所造者,紺黑,紋如兔毫,其坯微厚,熁之,久熱
fur’ tea bowls from Jian’an the most appropriate utensil for serving tea in 難冷,最為要用。出他處者,或薄或色紫,皆不及也。北宋末年,關於茶
his two-chapter treatise entitled Cha lu (A Record of Tea). He believed 盞的理論被在藝術上有高度造詣的徽宗皇帝 (1082-1135) 進一步發展。
the white tea looked best in black-glazed bowls and the slightly thicker
他在《茶錄》一書中說道: 「 盞色貴青黑,玉毫條達者為上,取其煥發
wall of Jian wares help to retain the heat. By the early twelfth century, the
茶采色也。 」 此器盞色青黑,玉毫條達,誠為建窯茶盞之上品。
connoisseurship of Jian tea bowls was further developed by the Emperor
Huizong (1082-1135). In his twenty-chapter treatise, Daguan chalun (A 建窯茶盞經典的器形僅有兩種基本類別。其一為常見的束口深腹的器形,
Discourse on Tea in the Daguan Era) of 1107, the Huizong Emperor stated
that “the desirable color of a tea bowl is bluish black and the best examples
display clearly streaked hairs.” The current bowl is representative of the best 2816號。另一類如本件盌,器壁外張略帶弧度、大敞口,此類建盞的尺
tea bowls of the Song dynasty, judging by the Huizong Emperor’s criteria. 寸往往也比第一類更大。此式建盞飾「兔毫」釉者可見波士頓美術館藏
一例,載於《 Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections》
Jian tea bowls come in only two main forms. Most frequently seen are ,卷10,東京。1980年,編號36。靜嘉堂文庫藏有一件重要的建窯「油
the Jian bowls potted with narrow waisted bands below the rims on the 滴」盌,著錄於德川美術館 , 根津美術館,《天目》,東京,1979,圖
exterior, such as the Jian ‘hare’s fur’ bowl from the Linyushanren Collection 10。華盛頓弗利爾美術館亦藏有一件此種器形的建窯 「油滴」盌,載於小
sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 2 December 2015, lot 2820. Much rarer 山富士夫,《陶磁大系》,卷38:天目,東京,1974年,插圖38及39。
are Jian bowls with widely faring sides as seen on the current example. 亦可比一件近似的建窯兔毫盞,2017年9月13-15日於紐約佳士得拍賣,
Jian bowls of this type are also generally bigger in size than the frst type.
A Jian ‘hare’s fur’ bowl of this form, in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
is illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections, vol. 10,
Tokyo, 1980, no. 36. A famous Jian ‘oil spot’ bowl of this form is preserved
in the Seikado Bunko Art Museum, Tokyo, and illustrated in Tokugawa
Bijutsukan and Nezu Bijutsukan, Tenmoku, Tokyo, 1979, pl. 10. Another
Jian ‘oil spot’ bowl of similar form, in the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington,
D.C., is illustrated by Koyama Fujio, Toji taikei 38: tenmoku, Tokyo, 1974,
fgs. 38 and 39. See, also, the similar Jian ‘hare’s fur’ bowl sold at Christie’s
New York, 13-15 September 2017, lot 1165.
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三) 94