Page 26 - Bonham's July 13 2016 Edinburgh
P. 26

100           102

101           97                                                 100 1
103           The thin walls carved to exterior with panels      LINGZHI
24 | BONHAMS  of stylised flowers spaced by shou roundels,        A deer reclining among rocks with a lingzhi in
              all raised on straight foot, the stone in mottled  its mouth, possibly carved as a brush rest,
              opaque and translucent dark green to khaki         15cm long
              27cm diameter                                      £1,800 - 2,200

              £800 - 1,200                                       101 1
                                                                 A JADE BOY AND CAT
              98                                                 The boy crouches down to pet the cat
              A JADE CARVING OF A SCHOLAR                        while holding a large lingzhi fungus over his
              19th century                                       shoulder, in pale jade with russet inclusions,
              The male figure standing in long flowing             6cm high
              robes, one hand raising a cup aloft in toast,
              (raised arm broken at wrist), in a pale green      £1,000 - 1,500
              stone with white and russet inclusions, wood
              stand,                                             102 1
              stone 10cm high                                    A SET OF SIX JADE BELT PLAQUES
                                                                 Comprising two larger rectangular and two
              £200 - 300                                         teardrop-shaped plaques, each carved and
                                                                 pierced with a goose among lotus flowers
              99 1                                               and leaves, spaced by two narrow plaques
              A WHITE AND RUSSET JADE PENDANT                    carved and pierced with lotus flowers, all
              OF GUANYIN                                         in pale stone with dark caramel-coloured
              The Goddess of Mercy holds a sceptre and           inclusions,
              prayer beads and sits on a rocky outcrop, a        each rectangular plaque 4.8cm long
              lotus vase sits beside her,
              6.8cm high                                         £5,000 - 7,000

              £1,000 - 1,200                                     103 1
                                                                 A PALE CELADON JADE PHOENIX AND
                                                                 Intricately pierced and carved as a phoenix
                                                                 perched on rocks which issuing peach tree,
                                                                 the bird grasps a branch in its beak,
                                                                 10cm long

                                                                 £3,000 - 5,000
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