Page 105 - Bonhams Chinese Art NYC Nov 9 2017
P. 105
It is interesting to note that though devoting an entire article on the 來源:
subject of the development of folding chairs, the reason Dr Ecke did 佛朗西斯高•瑪利亞,塔里安利•得•馬基奧侯爵(1887-1968)及
not include the set of folding chairs in his seminal publication Chinese 馬加烈特•奧地利-托斯卡納女大公,塔里安利•得•馬基奧女侯爵
Domestic Furniture, Beijing, 1944, is that he considered these chairs (1894-1986)伉儷收藏
to belong to an official dignitary category and therefore outside the 據檔案記載購自北平
range of ‘domestic’ furniture; see the book review of Ecke’s Chinese
Domestic Furniture by Eleanor v.E. Consten, published in Monumenta 出版及著錄:
Serica, vol.10, 1945, pp.437-441, p.439. 古斯塔夫•艾克(Gustav Ecke)著,「Wandlungen Des Faltstuhls:
Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der Euraischen Stuhlform’(交椅的演
變:歐亞座椅樣式的研探)」, 載於《Monumenta Serica(華裔學志)
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