Page 111 - Indian and Himalayan Art, March 15, 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 111



PROPERTY FROM THE LANIER COLLECTION                              An extremely ne and naturalistic double portrait from the
                                                                 imperial workshops of Emperor Shah Jahan where paintings
A ROYAL COUPLE                                                   by atelier artists were made of royal family members, courtiers
India, Imperial Mughal, Shah Jahan Period,                       and sometimes notable persons like great musicians and
circa 1650                                                       diplomats, often on a blue-green verdigris background. Our
                                                                 painting is superb in execution and reveals keen psychological
Opaque watercolor heightened with gold on paper                  insight into the personal relationship of this anonymous royal
image: 7¾ by 5¼ in. (17.8 by 12.7 cm)                            couple. Similar Imperial portraits are in the Collection of the
                                                                 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, with some mounted
PROVENANCE                                                       into muraqqa’ album folios like the Shah Jahan Album
                                                                 (accession no., and some as individual leaves like
Private collection London                                        our own double portrait.
Acquired 1980’s
                                                                 For further discussion on the Shah Jahan Album, see M. C.
A formal double-portrait of a royal couple. They stand facing    Beach, The Grand Mogul: Imperial Painting in India 1600-1660,
each other wearing diaphanous muslin outer jama and skirt -      Williamstown, 1978.
against a brilliant malachite green ground - exchanging a gold
jeweled container. He holds a slender, ornate ceremonial         $ 5,000-7,000
sword, a jeweled katar tucked into his sash. His short-length
patka with owering lily patterns was in favor during the latter
period of Shah Jahan. Red tinged clouds swirl above.

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