Page 44 - Indian and Himalayan Art, March 15, 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 44
239 Firmly rooted in the Sakya tradition, the transmission lineage
of the Panjaranatha Mahakala is thus depicted in the upper
PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE SWISS COLLECTOR register. This particular lineage derives from the Indian master
Brahmana Vararuci (seated to the left of Vajradhara in the
A NAGTHANG DEPICTING PANJARA upper register) who is said to have instructed Mahakala to go
MAHAKALA AND BRAHMANARUPA to Tibet, and includes seminal gures from among the Ngor
MAHAKALA and Tsar sub-schools.
Tibet, 18th / 19th Century
Based on the depiction of three eighteenth century masters in
Himalayan Art Resources item no. 13414. the upper register, including Morchen Kunga Lhundrup (1654–
image: 41 by 26 ½ in. (104.1 by 64.7 cm) 1726), Nesar Dorje Chang (circa 18th Century) and Ngawang
Kunga Lodro (1729–1783), all identi able by inscription,
PROVENANCE this masterpiece can be dated to the late 18th or early 19th
Acquired privately in Mumbai between 1961 and 1965.
Two identical explanatory lines are inscribed on the verso,
$ 80,000-120,000 directly behind each of the two central gures. The Tibetan
translation on the reverse reads:
This magni cent gold-on-black painting or nagthang displays
two di erent manifestations of the Great Black One, Panjara [Against] all demonic forces, enemies and hindrances,
Mahakala (gur gyi mgon po) and Brahma૽arupa Mahakala disharmonious factors. sattvam bha ya nan (sic)
(mgon po bram ze’i gzugs can). Together with Sri Devi (dpal
ldan lha mo), they form the three main guardian and protector Essay and translation by Yannick Laurent, Wolfson College,
deities of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. University of Oxford.
It is believed that Mahakala in the form of a Brahman ascetic
was adopted by the Sakya lineage to prevent showing his
wrathful form to the uninitiated. As for Panjara Mahakala,
he became a popular guardian of monastic institutions,
symbolized by the semantron-like gandi held in his arms. He is
also a powerful agent against external and internal hindrances,
but most importantly a erce protector of the Hevajra cycle of
64 1 58 Figure 1: Vajradhara
7 2 39 Figure 2: Brahmana Vararuci
Figure 3: Nagarjuna
11 10 Figure 4: Sachen [Künga Nyingp] (1092–1158)
12 13 Figure 5: [Ngorchen] Künga Zangpo (1382–1429)
Figure 6: Dakchen [Lodrö Gyaltsen] (1444–1495)
Figure 7: Doringpa Chenpo Kunzang Chökyi Nyima (1449–1524)
Figure 8: Tsarchen [Losel Gyatso] (1502–1566 / 7)
Figure 9: Morchen Künga Lhundrup (1654–1726)
Figure 10: Nesar Dorje Chang (18th Century)
Figure 11: Ngawang Künga Lodrö (1729–1783)
Figure 12: [Yarlungpa] Namka Legpa Lhundrup (unidenti ed)
Figure 13: Sangye Gyatso (unidenti ed)