Page 127 - Sothebys Important Chinese Art April 3 2018
P. 127
The present blue-glazed flask, after archaic bronze and 雍正、乾隆年間,製作了一批仿古瓷器,兩位皇帝對古器
earthenware flasks of the Han dynasty, belongs to a small 物的鍾愛與鑑賞,引發靈感創造擬古形飾之瓷器。此件霽
group of wares that represent archaism in porcelain made
during the reign of the Yongzheng and Qianlong Emperors.
Both Emperors’ fondness and connoisseurship for archaic
pieces kindled their interest in the production of ceramic wares
inspired by ancient shapes and designs. 雍正年製器形相同尺寸較小之例,成為乾隆年間的參考
Smaller Yongzheng mark and period flasks of this form served
as blueprints for Qianlong examples. See a Yongzheng flask, 於《故宮珍藏康雍乾瓷器圖錄》,香港,1989年,頁273
covered in celadon glaze, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, ,圖版102,可資比較。另有一雍正年製茶葉末釉之例,
illustrated in Kangxi. Yongzheng. Qianlong. Qing Porcelain from 屬 Salting 氏遺贈之物,現藏倫敦維多利亞與艾伯特博物
the Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1989, p. 273, pl. 館,錄於 John Ayers,《Far Eastern Ceramics in the
102; and a teadust-glazed version, also with a Yongzheng reign
mark and of the period, from the Salting bequest and now in Victoria and Albert Museum》,倫敦,1980年,圖版
the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, published in John
Ayers, Far Eastern Ceramics in the Victoria and Albert Museum,
London, 1980, pl. 216. 同器形且釉色如此湛藍顯眼之例十分罕見,然一相似較
While vessels of this form, made in the striking deep blue
glaze remain rare, a similar but slightly smaller example was
sold twice in our rooms, first in London, 29th March 1977, lot 期再度於紐約佳士得2011年3月24日售出,編號1147,
285, again in New York, 6th November 1981, lot 315, and more 屬 Gordon 舊藏。尚有一器,於倫敦蘇富比售出,日期為
recently at Christie’s New York, 24th March 2011, lot 1147,
from the Gordon collection. A third blue-glazed flask was sold
in our London rooms, 1st/2nd April 1974, lot 277. Compare 寸略小,蓋上臥神獸,落乾隆款,出處同上,頁450,圖
also a smaller flambé-glazed piece, with a cover surmounted 版132。
by a recumbent mythical beast, included ibid., p. 450, pl. 132,
with a Qianlong reign mark. 有一件漢代饕餮紋雙耳青銅扁壺,乃清代瓷器靈感來源,
A Han archaic bronze bianhu with two taotie mask ring 錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集.青銅生活器》,香
港,2006年,圖版47。另一例屬 Alfred Chapin Rogers
handles, the original inspiration for Qing ceramic pieces, is
included in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace 家族收藏,售於紐約蘇富比1974年10月17/18日,編號
Museum. Bronze Articles for daily Use, Hong Kong, 2006, pl. 271,邊緣略凹處若彎月,環抱花式橢圓腹,此紋飾較常
47; and another, from the Estate of the late Alfred Chapin
Rogers, was sold in our New York rooms, 17th/18th October
1974, lot 271, clearly showing the crescent-shaped grooves
at the edges forming a lobed oval panel that was repeated on 富趣味的是,清代工匠準確地仿製了古器之形,而其創意
the porcelain pieces. See also a Han period earthenware flask 則表現在鳥形耳上。此雖為後代新創,但卻也呼應了鳥類
of this shape, with two small ring handles on the shoulders,
published in Kan dai no bijutsu [Art of the Han dynasty],
Tokyo, 1975, pl. 78. Interestingly, while the Qing potter has
closely copied the shape of the ancient vessel, his artistic
creativity is expressed in the bird-form handles that still evoke
the importance of birds during the Han dynasty but are a
contemporary addition to the overall design.