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           A SMALL RHINOCEROS HORN ‘PINE’            十七世紀   犀角雕蒼松盃
           LIBATION CUP
           17TH CENTURY
           the wide shallow cup of irregular form, carved on the exterior   香港蘇富比2011年4月8日,編號2712
           with a reticulated pine tree handle with branches extending
           over the rim and onto the interior, the surface further textured   展覽:
           with low-relief ovals resembling the bark of the tree, resting   《Craving for Carvings: Rhinoceros Horn from the Chow
           on a flat base, the patina of smooth golden-amber tone, wood   Collection》,亞洲文明博物館,新加坡,2003年,編號
           stand                                     fc21
           w. 12.5 cm, 4⅞ in.
           Collections of Edward T. Chow (purchased in London, 1963)
           and Franklin Chow.                        121
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th April 2011, lot 2712.
           EXHIBITED                                 高潔,甚合文人學者品味。雕工細緻入微,松葉畢現,枝
           Craving for Carvings: Rhinoceros Horn from the Chow   幹從底部至口沿形成盃鋬,盃內巧飾小松果,可愛自然。
           Collection, Asian Civilizations Museum, Singapore, 2003, cat.
           no. fc21.                                 文人愛松不畏嚴寒,終年長青,剛正不柯,高風亮節。蒼
           Thomas Fok, Connoisseurship of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in
                                                     Derek Gillman,〈A Source of Rhinoceros Horn Cups in
           China, Hong Kong, 1999, pl. 121.
                                                     the Late Ming Dynasty〉,《Orientations》,1984年12
         ◉  HK$ 1,000,000-2,000,000                  月,頁12,圖4。葉義醫生舊藏雕松樹角器,載於葉義,
           US$ 128,000-256,000                       〈Chinese Rhinoceros Horn Carvings〉,《International
                                                     Asian Antiques Fair》,香港,1982 年,頁40,圖版38
           Fashioned in the form of the bark of the pine tree with its
           characteristic scales and nodules, the present exquisitely
           carved cup is in the taste of the Chinese scholar-literati. The   枝瘤結聚,收於霍滿棠編,《中國犀角雕刻珍賞》,香
           craftsman has formed the handle to represent a pine branch   港,1999年,圖版160。
           which climbs over the lip of the cup. Rarely seen on designs
                                                     類似犀角雕松盃曾售於拍賣,如斯德哥爾摩 Nils Nessim
           of this type is the small pine cone visible inside the well. The
           pine needles are meticulously rendered, consistent with the   珍藏角盃,售於紐約蘇富比1981年2月27日,編號320;
           naturalistic detail of the whole piece.   另有相類角盃,售於香港蘇富比1978年5月23日,編號
           The subject matter of the pine tree was much favoured by the   84。
           literati who saw it as the symbol of their unyielding character.
           The rugged pine represents venerability and is an important
           symbol of longevity. While there are many pine-decorated
           rhinoceros horn cups, the present example is an especially
           fine one. For further cups in this group see one in the British
           Museum, London, included in Derek Gillman, ‘A Source of
           Rhinoceros Horn Cups in the Late Ming Dynasty’, Orientations,
           December 1984, p. 12, fig. 4; another from the collection of
           Dr Ip Yee, published in Dr Ip Yee, ‘Chinese Rhinoceros Horn
           Carvings’, International Asian Antiques Fair, Hong Kong, 1982,
           p. 40, pl. 38; and one with a strongly modelled pine tree with
           a gnarled and twisted trunk rising to form the handle, from
           the collection of Thomas Fok, illustrated in Thomas Fok,
           Connoisseurship of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, Hong
           Kong, 1999, pl. 160.
           Cups of this type have been sold at auction; for example see
           one, from the estate of Nils Nessim, Stockholm, sold in our
           New York rooms, 27th February 1981, lot 320; and a cup sold in
           these rooms, 23rd May 1978, lot 84.

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