Page 225 - Sothebys Important Chinese Art April 3 2018
P. 225
Purchased by Edward Chow in 1978, this cup attracted his 仇焱之先生於1978年購得此盃,遂被其蜜黃色澤以及滿富
attention for its beautiful light honey colouration and for the 吉祥寓意之簡潔雕藝所吸引。紋飾主角為東方朔,其人於
unassuming simplicity of the design that is full of auspicious 漢武帝時詔拜為郎,後任常侍郎、太中大夫等。題材為西
connotation. Chow identifies the main figure as the Han
dynasty Daoist scholar-official and court jester to Emperor Wu,
Dongfang Shuo, who is accompanied by a young servant boy. 一株果實累累的桃枝,回首顧盼,衣帶當風,靜中顯動,
The scene depicted here is the story of Dongfang Shuo stealing 童子隨後侍奉,栩栩如生。東方氏因偷食仙桃而得以長
the peaches of eternal life from Xiwangmu (Queen Mother
of the West). Dongfang is shown clutching a fruiting branch
over his shoulder and looking to his side as if concerned that
he may be followed. The carver has brought his subject to 手捧大桃畫面的明代織錦,屬紐約大都會藝術博物館典
life by giving movement to his robe as if swept by the wind. 藏、並於其官方網站展示。
Ironically, with this act Dongfang was able to attain immortality
and became a popular figure and was frequently depicted on 此犀角盃因其大膽而簡約之雕工益顯出眾不凡,僅飾兩位
artefacts displayed at birthday celebrations or made as gifts. 人物及一棵豐碩桃樹。此種簡約設計表明其應為最早期之
For example, see a beautiful Ming period tapestry depicting
Dongfang Shuo standing by a peach tree clutching a single
large peach in his hands, in the collection of the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, included in the Museum’s official 例,可比較一件外壁雕八仙圖犀角盃,藏於都柏林切斯
website. 特比替圖書館,收錄於 Jan Chapman,〈The Chester
The present cup is unusual for its bold yet minimalist carving of Beatty Collection of Chinese Carved Rhinoceros Horn
just two figures and a fruit-laden peach tree. The simple design Cups〉,《Arts of Asia》,1982年5-6月,1982年,頁
suggests that the cup is amongst one of the earliest examples 83,圖版20。另可參考一件霍滿棠藏八仙賀壽小盃,所
known, before it became fashionable to cover vessels with 飾八仙,各執法器,收錄於霍滿堂編、《中國犀角雕刻珍
complex and intricate decorations. The flawless beauty of the
material is enhanced by this perfect design. While no other 賞》,香港,1999年,圖版82。
similar example appears to be recorded, the Eight Daoist
Immortals can be found carved around the exterior of a cup in
the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, included in Jan Chapman, 評。其器表質感溫潤順滑。Chapman 於其《中國的犀牛
‘The Chester Beatty Collection of Chinese Carved Rhinoceros 角雕刻藝術》(前述出處,頁60)中指出犀角盃之蜜黃色
Horn Cups’, Arts of Asia, May-June 1982, p. 83, pl. 20. Another 澤應為犀角年久天然而致,而一些現知最早期之精美雕作
cup depicting the Eight Immortals, each bearing an attribute, 皆呈黃色,遂此類蜜色犀角雕通常擁有最為上乘之雕工。
from the collection of Thomas Fok, is published in Thomas Fok,
Connoisseurship of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, Hong
Kong, 1999, pl. 82.
The beautiful translucent light colouration and the ‘orange
peel’ surface of this cup is remarked by Chow in his notes.
This type of surface is often compared to the texture of a fine
doeskin glove when it is stretched over the hand. Chapman
in The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, op.cit., p. 60,
suggests that the yellow and honey colours are probably the
result of the natural ageing process of the horn and some
of the earliest known carvings are described as being yellow
in colour. Vessels of this colouration are almost invariably
associated with the best quality carvings.