Page 46 - Sothebys Important Chinese Art April 3 2018
P. 46


           A VERY RARE YELLOW-GROUND AND IRON-       明嘉靖   黃地紅彩雲龍紋罐
           RED DECORATED ‘DRAGON’ JAR                           《大明嘉靖年製》款
           potted with a baluster body supported on a recessed base and
           surmounted by a short neck, the exterior brightly decorated
           with an overglaze yellow enamel partially covered by a design-
           bearing iron red, depicting two five-clawed dragons soaring
           sinuously amidst ruyi clouds and flaming wisps, all above a
           band of foaming waves crashing against rockwork skirting
           the base, the detail and outlines picked out in black, the base
           inscribed in underglaze blue with a six-character reign mark
           14.5 cm, 5⅝ in.
           HK$ 800,000-1,000,000
           US$ 103,000-128,000

           Contrasting colours and longevity motifs are perhaps the two   嘉靖御瓷,顏色比對分明,紋飾寓意祥瑞。五爪龍紋與靈
           most characteristic features of Jiajing imperial porcelains.   芝圖案並飾,較為罕見,充分凸顯皇帝欲求不老長生、得
           The juxtaposition of the imperial five-clawed dragon with   道成仙之意願,此作紅黃相配,「黃」為帝王用色,「
           sprays of longevity fungus, instead of the usual lotus scrolls,
           links the ruler in a most obvious symbolism to long life, and   紅」則表意幸運,兩種色彩相輔相成,實屬難得。
           reflects the Jiajing Emperor’s fervent pursuit of longevity and
           attachment to Daoist practises promising the attainment of
           immortality. The auspicious message is here carried through   亞洲藝術博物館,收錄於賀利,《Chinese Ceramics. A
           even in the colour scheme, where yellow, the imperial colour,   New Standard Guide》,倫敦,1996年,圖版483。牛
           is surrounded by red, the colour of good luck. Combinations   津阿什莫林博物館另有一件,收錄於東方陶瓷學會展覽
           of two different glaze colours are characteristic of the Jiajing   圖錄《Iron in the Fire》,牛津,1988年,編號64。一件
           reign, but the present one is a rare case where the two colours
           are superimposed and had to be fired at different times and   東京松岡美術館藏品,收錄於《東洋陶磁名品圖錄》,
           different temperatures.                   松岡美術館,東京,1991年,編號82。相若罐例,可見
                                                     Stephen D. Winkworth、George Eumorfopoulos 以及艾
           A jar of this design from the Avery Brundage collection in the
           Asian Art Museum of San Francisco is illustrated in He Li,   弗瑞.克拉克夫人藏品,分別售於倫敦蘇富比1933年4月
           Chinese Ceramics. A New Standard Guide, London, 1996, pl.   25日,編號382、1940年5月30日,編號286、以及1953
           483; another in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, was included   年3月24日,編號65。胡惠春藏另外一件,售於紐約蘇富
           in the Oriental Ceramic Society exhibition Iron in the Fire,
           Oxford, 1988, cat. no. 64; one in the Matsuoka Museum of
           Art, Tokyo, is illustrated in Toyo toji meihin zuroku [Catalogue   於香港蘇富比1976年5月12日,編號51,1989年5月16
           of masterpieces of Oriental ceramics], Matsuoka Bijutsukan,   日,編號28。玫茵堂舊藏也有一器,刊於康蕊君,《玫
           Tokyo, 1991, cat. no. 82, Similar jars from the collections of   茵堂中國陶瓷》,倫敦,1994-2010年,卷2,編號706
           Stephen D. Winkworth, George Eumorfopoulos and Mrs Alfred
           Clark, respectively, were sold in our London rooms 25th April
           1933, lot 382; 30th May 1940, lot 286; and 24th March 1953,   一件紋樣相同之嘉靖蓋罐,為北京故宮博物院收藏,參考
           lot 65; one from the collection of J.M. Hu was sold in our New
                                                     李知宴、Virginia L. Bower 及賀利,《Chinese Ceramics
           York rooms, 4th June 1985, lot 7; another in these rooms,
           12th May 1976, lot 51 and again 16th May 1989, lot 28, from   from the Paleolithic Period through the Qing Dynasty》
           the British Rail Pension Fund; and one from the Meiyintang   ,紐黑文及倫敦,2010年,頁611,並錄一乾隆仿例,可
           collection, illustrated in Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from   資比較。
           the Meiyintang Collection, London, 1994-2010, vol. 2, no. 706,
           and sold in these rooms, 7th April 2011, lot 66.
           A Jiajing jar of this design with cover is compared with a
           Qianlong version, both from the Palace Museum Collection
           in Beijing in Li Zhiyan, Virginia L. Bower and He Li, Chinese
           Ceramics from the Paleolithic Period through the Qing Dynasty,
           New Haven and London, 2010, p. 611.


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