Page 44 - Sothebys Important Chinese Art April 3 2018
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The beautiful, rich red glaze of this dish cannot be better 本品滿施霽紅釉,色澤嬌紅欲滴。單色銅紅釉臻於永宣二
described than with the somewhat over-used term ‘crushed 朝,然據景德鎮御窰遺址所見大量廢棄碎瓷破片判斷,當
strawberries’. Monochrome copper-red glazes were perfected 時即便經由技藝精湛之御瓷藝匠主燒,要製得如此上乘美
during the Yongle (1403-1424) and Xuande (1426-1435) reigns,
but the large number of discarded sherds at the Jingdezhen
kiln sites impressively highlights the difficulties experienced by 熙一朝再度復興,唯相比永宣者,仍略遜一籌。
even the highly accomplished imperial potters of that time to
achieve satisfactory results. After the Xuande reign, the copper
pigment was therefore almost completely abandoned until
it was revived on a grand scale, but never again to similarly
striking results, in the Kangxi period (1662-1722) of the Qing 溫,直至永樂年間,銅紅釉美器方才始成,色澤嬌紅艷
dynasty (1644-1911). 麗。然武德教授認為,景德鎮宣窰銅紅瓷乃中國銅紅釉
While copper began to be used at the Jingdezhen porcelain 瓷器之最(《Chinese Glazes. Their Origins, Chemistry
manufactories in the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) and was and Recreation》,倫敦,1999年,頁178)。御窰遺址
experimented with throughout the Hongwu reign (1368-1398), 廢堆永宣地層中皆可見品質欠佳之銅紅釉殘器破片,然現
it was only in the Yongle period that a satisfactory bright red 存二朝傳世作例殊為罕有。兩件宣德銅紅釉殘盤例,釉下
began to be achieved after many adjustments of glaze recipes,
firing conditions and temperatures; but as Nigel Wood states 青花書年款,其中一件器內釉色殷紅亮麗,而口沿留白寬
(Chinese Glazes. Their Origins, Chemistry and Recreation, 疏;另一件外壁呈斑駁灰紅色,曾展於《景德鎮珠山出土
London, 1999, p. 178), “When we come to examine Xuande (AD 永樂宣德官窰瓷器展覽》,香港藝術館,香港,1989年,
1426-1435) copper-red porcelains from Jingdezhen we are at 編號69及70。
the very peak of Chinese copper-red porcelain production.”
While both the Yongle and Xuande strata of the waste heaps 另一盤例,紅釉艷麗奪目,年款與尺寸與本品相同,台北
of the imperial kiln site have brought to light many examples
of copper-red pieces that did not meet the high standards of
quality control, extant heirloom examples of either period are 錄》,台北,1998年,編號168;同書錄一件略小盤例,
extremely rare; see two discarded copper-red glazed dishes 刻年款,編號170。第三例,亦刻年款,盤心留白,編號
with underglaze-blue Xuande marks and of the period, one with
a fine, deep red glaze on the inside, but a broad area at the
rim remaining white on the outside, the other with a mottled
greyish red on the outside, were included in the exhibition 香港佳士得曾兩度售出一例,與本品接近,1991年10月1
Imperial Porcelain of the Yongle and Xuande Periods Excavated 日,編號764,及1996年6月11日,編號29。吳賚熙舊藏
from the Site of the Ming Imperial Factory at Jingdezhen, Hong 一件紅釉盤,可能與本品為同一例,售於倫敦蘇富比1937
Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1989, cat. nos 69 and 70.
A successfully fired copper-red heirloom dish of similar shape, 例,1968年7月24日,編號412。
mark and size as the present piece, in the National Palace
Museum, Taipei, was included in the Museum’s exhibition
Mingdai Xuande guanyao jinghua tezhan tulu/Catalogue of the 本品出自 Enid 及 Francis Brodie Lodge(1880-1967
Special Exhibition of Selected Hsüan-te Imperial Porcelains 年)伉儷舊藏,二人為東方陶瓷學會早期成員,且熱心會
of the Ming Dynasty, Taipei, 1998, cat. no. 168, together with 內事務,多次協助學會籌辦展覽。Lodge 伉儷主要收藏
another of slightly smaller size, with an incised reign mark, cat. 唐、宋、明、清瓷器及高古青銅器。
no. 170, and a third of similar size, also with an incised reign
mark and left white inside, cat. no. 169.
A similar dish was twice sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1st
October 1991, lot 764 and 11th June 1996, lot 29; and one from
the Wu Lai Hsi collection, perhaps the same as the present
dish or as the latter piece, was sold, unillustrated, in these
rooms, 26th May 1937, lot 82; a slightly smaller one was sold in
these rooms, 24th July 1968, lot 412.
The present dish comes from the collection of Enid and
Francis Brodie Lodge (1880-1967), early members and strong
supporters of the Oriental Ceramic Society, who contributed to
many of the Society’s exhibitions. Their collection comprised
ceramics from the Tang (618-907), Song (960-1279), Ming
(1368-1644) and Qing dynasties as well as archaic bronzes.
42 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比