Page 148 - Sotheby's Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 09/14 /17
P. 148


Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien,
1899-1983) et al.


ink and color on paper, album of fourteen leaves

(1) Yao Yuqin (1867-1961), signed Yuqin, with two
seals of the artist, yu qin jin kuang, ting qiu an
(2) Zhu Peijun (1920-1995), signed Peijun Zhu
Chai, with three seals of the artist, pei jun zuo, zhu
chai, xin huang bu jiu zhu
(3) Zhu Weijun (b. 1922), signed Weijun, with one
seal of the artist, wei jun
(4) Zhu Renjun (1922-1994), signed Renjun, with
one seal of the artist, zhu lan
(5) Zhu Qian’an (20th century), signed Zhu
Qian’an, with one seal of the artist, qian an
(6) Zhu Renjun (1922-1994), signed Zhu Lan, with
one seal of the artist, ren jun
(7) Zhu Weijun (b. 1922), signed Zhu E, with three
seals of the artist, zhu e, suo xiao, mng yue qian
(8) Zhu Qian’an (20th century), signed Zhu
Qian’an, with one seal of the artist, qian an
(9) Zhu Hanjun (20th century), dated jichou
(1949), signed Zhu Ying, with four seals of the
artist, zhu ying, han jun, chang xiang si, chao she
nü lang
(10) with four seals of the artist, tiao, chang an,
xiong zhong mang jiao, huai qiu an
(11) Zhu Peijun (1920-1995), signed Peijun, with
two seals of the artist, pei jun, one illegible
(12) Zhang Shifu (1899-1953), with two seals of
the artist, ru yuan, xia jiu sheng huo
(13) Luo Wenmo (1902-1951), signed Luo Wenmo,
dated jichou (1949), autumn, with four seals of
the artist, jing an ju shi, luo wen mo yin, yi xiao,
shuang qing guan
(14) Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), signed Daqian
Zhang Yuan, dated jichou (1949), with two seals
of the artist, zhang yuan, da qian
Inscription on inside cover and titleslip both by
Zhang Shifu, signed Shifu, dated jichou, summer,
with two seals, chang an le, one illegible
each 28 by 31.2 cm. 11 by 12¼ in. (14)


Acquired by the present owner directly from the

$ 10,000-20,000

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攳Ⅎ                                                      䪹ˣ㖶㚰⇵幓                 炷1949炸⣑ᷕ炻㛙㪣᷎姀㕤㗍㙱敋ˤ憸⌘烉
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炷Ḵ炸炷㛙ἑ⏃炸ἑ⏃㛙勅⮓Ḷ㗍㙱敋ˤ                                      妨㕤⶜ヶ䛇㔁⢓嗽ˤ⶜㔁⢓䁢ἁℑṢἄ䈡     ⾽嬨Ṣ炷㆟炸䥳暐娆ˤ暁僑⭌冲ἄˤ
憸⌘烉ἑ⏃ἄˣ㛙勅ˣ㕘䭩墄冲䪡                                         㬲䳡ṳ炻≱Ḻ䁢㐗⍳ˤ㓷妨忠佋䳽ΐ侴䪗     ⚃㗪⾥℞ẋ⸷№炻叔䈑䳃ẍ徜唬ˤ奥剙吼
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炷ℕ炸炷㛙䲱⏃炸㛙嗕ˤ憸⌘烉䲱⏃                                        溗䃞炻䇘⮓㬌ⷭ俲娴⽫䕽ˤ嗤唒㴑㷢炻⶙     䪡僑ˣ攟⬱ˣ傠ᷕ刺奺ˣ倥䥳䚎

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