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Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien) 1899-1983,
He Haixia 1908-199 et al.


ink and color on paper, album of seven leaves                     (7) signed Liu Junli, dated jichou (1949), autumn, with two
                                                                  seals of the artist, liu jun li yin, ru yang ren
(1) signed Daqian Jushi Yuan, dated jichou, the twenty-seventh    Colophon by Zhang Qun (1889-1991), dated the tenth lunar
day of the eighth lunar month (October 18, 1949), with a          month, the thirty-eighth year of the Republic (1949), with a
dedication to Zhang Minyan (b. 1925) and three seals of the       dedication to Zhang Minyan and one seal, Zhang Qun
artist, zhang ji, da qian, da feng tang                           Titleslips by Zhang Qun, signed Zhongxinglu Zhu, with a
(2) signed Haixia He Ying, with two seals of the artist, he ying  dedication to Zhang Minyan and one seal, zhong xing lu zhu
zhi yin, hai xia                                                  Album cover inscribed by Zhang Qun, signed Zhongxinglu zhu,
(3) signed Yuan, with one seal of the artist, zhang yuan si yin   dated the thirty-eighth year of the Republic (1949), the tenth
(4) signed Zhang Yu Bide, dated jichou (1949), autumn, with       lunar month
two seals of the artist, zhang xin de, da feng tang               each 26.9 by 35.7 cm. 10½ by 14 cm. (7)
(5) signed Hu Li, dated jichou (1949), autumn, with one seal of
the artist, hu li zhi yin                                         PROVENANCE
(6) signed Yongnian Wang Xia, dated jichou (1949), autumn,
with one seal of the artist, yong nian da li                      Acquired by the present owner directly from the artists

                                                                  $ 50,000-70,000

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