Page 48 - Sotheby's Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 09/14 /17
P. 48


LOTS 541 550 AND 686



Wu Changshuo 1844-1927                              things early in life. His family was in the coal    Ἦ㸸
                                                    business, and he branched into the shipping
PINE TREE                                           business before leaving China in 1949 for           1966⸜岤㕤⊿Ṕ
                                                    the relative safety of Hong Kong. In 1959, he       䲸䲬喯⭴㭼炻䱦伶ᷕ⚳䌱☐ˣⶍ喅⑩ˣ丒
ink and color on paper, framed                      relocated his family to New York where he resided   䔓炻1983⸜2㚰25㖍炻㉵⑩䶐嘇29炻⢷㵝⿅
                                                    until his death at 98 in 2017. Mr. Ho amassed a     啷㚠䔓
signed Wu Changshuo, at the age of eighty sui,
dated guihai (1923), autumn, with two seals of the   ne collection of Chinese paintings, calligraphy,   ỽ⃮樍⃰䓇↢䓇㕤ᷕ⚳ᶲ㴟炻冒⸤⚃㴟䁢
artist, wu chang shi, shi ren zi shi                jewelry, furniture and other objects of art. He     ⭞炻啱㬌冒⬠ㆸㇵ炻᷎㕤㖑⸜➡梲↢ᾳṢ
69 by 138 cm. 27⅛ by 54⅜ in.                        had a deep appreciation of everything Chinese,      䘬揹岆⑩␛ˤ℞⭞㕷䴻䆇䄌䁕㤕炻Ṿ㈲⭞
                                                    especially old and classical pieces. His e orts in  㕷㤕⊁㉻⯽军凒忳㤕炻⼴㕤1949⸜暊攳ᷕ
EXHIBITED                                           collecting began in Hong Kong and intensi ed        ⚳ℏ⛘㉝忼楁㷗ˤ1959⸜炻Ṿ冱⭞䦣㮹军
                                                    after retirement through his association with       䲸䲬炻ᶨ䚜⯭㕤䔞⛘军2017⸜ẍḅ⋩ℓ㬚
Art Center of the City of Berlin-Wedding,           experts at international auction houses. He         檀漉录ᶾˤ
September 3-October 7, 1974, and illustrated        enjoyed the research and auction processes as
in the Catalogue, “Chinesische Malerei Der          much as the acquisitions themselves.                ỽ㮷䍵啷⊭伭ᷕ⚳㚠䔓ˣ䎈⮞ˣ⭞℟⍲℞
Gegenwatt”, no. 21                                                                                      Ṿ喅埻䍵⑩ˤṾ朆ⷠ㫋岆ᷕ⚳喅埻㔯⊾炻
                                                    $ 70,000-90,000                                     ⯌℞㗗⎌吋㔯䈑ˤ℞㓞啷㬟䦳⥳㕤楁㷗炻
PROVENANCE                                                                                              徨ẹ⼴Ṿ㈽㓦㚜⣂䱦≃忚埴岤啷炻冯⚳晃
                                                    ⏛㖴䡑ġ䛇漵ġ姕刚䳁㛔ġ掉㟮                                      ㉵岋埴⮰⭞䧵㤝倗专ˤṾ⮵䞼䨞␴㉵岋忶
Acquired in Beijing, 1966                                                                               䦳䘬ṓ⍿ᷳね炻䚠䔞㕤Ṿ⮵㓞啷㛔幓䘬挦
Sotheby’s New York, Fine Chinese Jades, Works       㫦嬀烉䛇漵ˤ⤪ᨠ᷒ˣ⤪曺喌ˣ⤪⢥侭ᷳ                                  ッˤ
of Art and Paintings, February 25, 1983, lot 29,    䚠ˣ⤪䨢Ⱉᷳ₏ˤ䘠ṍ炷1923炸䥳炻⏛㖴䡑
Property of the Collection of Xia Hansi, Germany    ⸜ℓ⋩ˤ憸⌘烉⏛㖴䞛ˣ䞛Ṣ⫸⭌

Born in Shanghai, China, George C. C. Ho            ⯽奥
educated himself as a young man by traveling
extensively and acquired a taste for the ner        㝷㜿⦩ᶩ喅埻ᷕ⽫炻1974⸜9㚰3㖍Į10㚰7㖍

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