Page 9 - SOTHEBYS MARCH 18 AND 19 2025
P. 9
“I bought what I like, what I wanted to own. I never bought
anything just because it had a big price. I enjoy every piece
I have”
George H. Taber, 1939
However, of all these collectors and donors, one name is 多位中國藝術珍品藏家當中,又以喬治•哈撒韋•
George H. Taber with a 17th century Chinese vase in his Pittsburgh home, 1939; particularly worthy of note in the field of Chinese art: that 泰貝(1859-1940年)尤為顯赫,其來自美國麻省
Courtesy, Carnegie Museum of Art Archives, Pittsburgh
喬治•H•泰貝於匹茲堡宅邸欣賞十七世紀中國花瓶,1939年;圖片來源:卡內基美術館檔案部,匹茲堡 of George Hathaway Taber (1859-1940). Son of Captain 費爾黑文,乃商界巨賈,其父為 Captain George
George Taber (1808-1901) and descendant of the Taber Taber(1808-1901年),家世顯赫。喬治少君獨辟蹊
family of Fairhaven, Massachusetts, George Jr. soon rose 徑,於匹茲堡海灣石油公司執業,大展鴻圖,累積之
to prominence as a renowned businessman. Breaking with
family tradition and taking up a position at the Gulf Oil 財富不少用於收藏中國藝術珍品。其對中國藝術之熱
Corporation in Pittsburgh, Taber amassed a sizable fortune 情,或乃啟發自叔父19世紀末自中國攜帶回美國之贈
These remarkable pieces do not just tell the story of 拍品不僅承載中國千載歷史璀璨,同時亦反映近代美 and formed a remarkable collection of Chinese works of art. 禮,後遂成美國早期最重要中國藝術珍藏之一,藏品
China. Rather, through their notable provenance these 國藝術收藏傳承,每件均來源顯赫,歷代珍藏。藏品 橫跨歷朝,涵蓋禮器、雕塑及清宮御瓷等,既具學術
works also tell an American story. From Dr. Walter Read 來自藝術史學家 Walter Read Hovey 博士,(匹茲堡 At its height this collection, apparently inspired by gifts 價值,亦見審美雅趣。
Hovey (a beloved professor of art history and long-tenured 大學藝術史系深受愛戴的教授及長期系主任)、Rev. brought back from China by an uncle in the late 1800s,
department chair at University of Pittsburgh) to Rev. Alfred Alfred Duane Pell(布魯克林聖公會神職人員、惠澤十 constituted one of the most important of its kind to be 1930年代初,泰貝將其珍藏出借卡內基美術館,展
Duane Pell (an Episcopal clergyman in Brooklyn and prolific preserved in America. From ancient tomb sculpture to 陳多年。 泰貝辭世後,所藏皆歸後人,部分於1946
collector whose bequests benefited eleven museums), the 一家博物館的收藏家)等,由此可見卡內基藝術博物 Qing imperial porcelain, the Taber Collection typifies early
present group typifies the grand provenances of artworks 館所藏之獨有淵源,來源故事令人神往。 American collections in its broad range of media, scholarly 年3月7日至8日假 Park Bernet Galleries(今蘇富比)拍
preserved in Carnegie Museum of Art – each with a unique focus and decorative aesthetic. In the early 1930s, after 賣,然而多件珍品仍舊存於卡內基美術館及菲爾布魯
and dazzling story to tell. 此外並有二件拍品出自匹茲堡著名梅隆家族後代 years of treasured ownership, Taber lent his collection to the 克博物館,成為二館中國藝術收藏重心。近年來,泰
Ailsa Mellon Bruce 及 Sarah Mellon Scaife 舊藏,前者創 Carnegie Museum where it remained on display for many 貝舊藏於市場屢創佳績,如2018年5月30日香港佳士
Two more objects from the present group hail from the 立Avalon Foundation(今梅隆基金會),終生致力於 years. Following his death, this remarkable collection was
collections of Ailsa Mellon Bruce and Sarah Mellon Scaife; split up between Taber’s descendants; some of it sold at Park 得出售乾隆鬪彩天球瓶,菲爾布魯克博物館舊藏,編
descendants of the renowned Mellon dynasty of Pittsburgh. 藝術、教育及表演藝術贊助。Ailsa Mellon Bruce 曾熱 Bernet Galleries (now Sotheby’s), 7th-8th March 1946; while 號8888,以及2013年9月20日編號1391紐約佳士得拍賣
Founder of the Avalon Foundation (now Mellon Foundation) 衷為其紐約與東海岸多處居所搜羅裝飾藝術,並因其 many other highlights were gifted to the Carnegie Museum 松石地天球瓶等。此外,一尊康熙御製款琺琅彩盌,
which continues to support art institutions, higher education 兄 Paul Mellon 以遠見促成 Ailsa 遺產中近3000件作品 of Art and the Philbrook Museum, Oklahoma, forming the 將於2025年5月於香港蘇富比隆重呈獻。
and the performing arts across the country, Ailsa Mellon 捐贈卡內基館,含多件中國瓷器精品。Sarah Mellon backbone of their Chinese collections. A few other pieces of
Bruce voraciously collected decorative arts for her various Scaife 乃其表妹,以藝術捐贈、合作購藏重要印象派 Taber provenance have come to market in recent years with
homes in New York and along the Eastern seaboard. Through 作品及支持1974年博物館擴建等方式,致敬家族與匹 exceptional results: compare the magnificent Qianlong-
the vision of her brother Paul Mellon, Ailsa’s estate gifted 茲堡的深厚淵源。該擴建翼樓在其身後落成,由家族 marked doucai tianqiuping, sold from the collection of the
nearly 3000 works to the Carnegie, including a number 命名為「Sarah Scaife Gallery」以資紀念。 Philbrook Museum of Art at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30th May
of fine Chinese porcelains. Her first cousin, Sarah Mellon 2018, lot 8888; a turquoise-ground tianqiuping sold at
Scaife, similarly paid homage to their Pittsburgh connections Christie’s New York, lot 1391, 20th September 2013; and an
by making important donations of art, collaborating with extremely fine and rare enamel bowl of Kangxi yuzhi mark to
the museum to purchase major impressionist works, and be offered in our Hong Kong rooms, May 2025.
supporting a transformative museum expansion in 1974.
Completed posthumously, the new wing was named by
family in her memory: the Sarah Scaife Gallery.