Page 4 - Met Museum Ghandara Incense Burner
P. 4

Figure  8. Two leaves from the incense burner in  Figure  1

              Figure  6. Detail of the torus  molding  on the shaft of the
              incense burner in  Figure  1

              Figure 7.  Detail of the disk on the incense burner in  Figure  1   Figure  9.  Detail of the bowl and lid of the incense burner in
                                                                Figure  1

              sets of  alternating  motifs  probably            and a finial surmounted  a         element with
                                            meant to be read in
                                                                                     by  cylindrical
              vertical  pairs.  The first set is a human head in relief   a floral motif on  top (see Figure 1).  A  ropelike  ele-
              within a roundel above a  pierced  heartlike  shape  or   ment surrounds the finial and two  bells  hang  from it.
                                                                                                     have func-
              pipal  leaf. This  paired  motif alternates  with a  pierced   This  ropelike  element could never  actually
              swastika  (an  ancient  sun   symbol) surmounting   a   tioned as a handle to  carry  the incense  burner,  as the
              pierced  crescent moon. The lid is  topped by  a shaft  burner is too  heavy  and the  loop  too weak.  However,

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