Page 140 - Bonhams asian Art Knightsbridge May 2018
P. 140

370 *                              373 *                             376 *
        BOTTLE                             BOTTLE                            19th century
        The rectangular bottle carved from an   The bottle shaped as an archaic flask, bianhu,   Of flattened rectangular form on a slightly
        attractive stone of even pale tone, decorated   of spherical form rising from a recessed   splayed foot and a recessed base with
        on one side with two butterflies flying amidst   splayed foot to a straight neck, the interior   incised, etched and gilt-paint-filled designs
        floral petals, the reverse inscribed with seal   well hollowed, the stone of a white even tone.   of an Immortal carrying a flower basket and a
        script characters reading ‘Diefen Yinhuaxian’,   5.1cm (2in) high.   snake catcher, 6cm (2 3/8in) high. (1).
        flanked by a pair of lion mask handles to the
        sides. 5.5cm (2 1/8in) high.       £1,000 - 2,000                    £800 - 1,200
                                           CNY8,800 - 18,000                 CNY7,100 - 11,000
        £1,000 - 2,000                     HK$11,000 - 22,000                HK$8,800 - 13,000
        CNY8,800 - 18,000
        HK$11,000 - 22,000                 Provenance                        Provenance
                                           A distinguished Asian private collection  A distinguished Asian private collection
        A distinguished Asian private collection   374 *                     377 *

        The inscription on one side reads: ‘蝶紛印華  A WHITE JADE ‘DOUBLE HAPPINESS’   A WHITE JADE PEAR-SHAPED ‘CICADA’
        鮮’ which may be translated as ‘The profusion   SNUFF BOTTLE          SNUFF BOTTLE
        of butterflies mark the fresh flowers’.  Mid-Qing Dynasty            18th/19th century
                                           Of compressed globular form supported on   The bottle of compressed ovoid form
                                           a short foot, carved to each side of the bottle   raising from an oval foot to a tall cylindrical
        371 *                              with a roundel enclosing a double happiness   neck, carved on both sides with a flattened
        A WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE          character, flanked by raised oval panels to the   archaistic cicada, its carapace detailed with
        Qing Dynasty                       narrow sides, the lustrous stone of an even   scrolls and folded wings, the abdomen with
        The bottle of rectangular form and raised on   pale tone. 5.1cm (2in) high  notched ridges, the polished stone of a white
        a foot of conforming outline with a recessed                         even tone. 6.3cm (2 1/2in) high.
        base, the two sides flanked by animal mask   £1,500 - 2,000
        and ring handles, the stone of an even white   CNY13,000 - 18,000    £2,000 - 3,000
        tone. 6cm (2 3/8in) high.          HK$16,000 - 22,000                CNY18,000 - 27,000
                                                                             HK$22,000 - 33,000
        £600 - 1,000                       Provenance
        CNY5,300 - 8,800                   Sotheby’s London, 5 November 1998, lot 635   Provenance
        HK$6,600 - 11,000                  A distinguished Asian private collection  A distinguished Asian private collection

        Provenance                                                           A similar white jade ‘Zhirou Zhai cicada’
        A distinguished Asian private collection   375 *                     snuff bottle, circa 1700-1840, is illustrated
                                           A WHITE JADE ‘HORSE’ SNUFF BOTTLE  by H.Moss, V.Graham and K.B.Tsang, A
        A similar white jade snuff bottle, Qing Dynasty,   The bottle of compressed oval form, rising   Treasury of Chinese Snuff Bottles, The Mary
        is illustrated by T.Fok, The Splendour of Jade:   from an oval foot rim to a straight neck,   and George Bloch Collection: Volume 1, Jade,
        The Songzhutang Collection of Jade, Hong   delicately carved on both sides with a   Hong Kong, 1995, pp.86-87, no.31.
        Kong, 2011, p.198, no.159.         prancing horse, the stone of even tone with
                                           russet inclusions. 6.5cm (2 1/2in) high.
                                                                             378 *
        372 *                              £800 - 1,200                      A WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE
        A WHITE JADE ‘CRANES’ SNUFF BOTTLE  CNY7,100 - 11,000                The bottle shaped as a flattened baluster vase
        The rectangular bottle with indented corners   HK$8,800 - 13,000     rising from an oval foot to a waisted cylindrical
        supported on an oval foot, carved to one side                        neck and lipped rim, flanked by elephant head
        with a panel enclosing a crane gazing at its   Provenance            and ring handles and tied at the shoulders
        flying kin, the other with a butterfly amidst a   A distinguished Asian private collection  with loose ribbons falling into graceful pleats
        flowering sprig, the attractive stone of an even                     on both front and reverse, the translucent
        pale colour. 6cm (2 1/2in) high.                                     stone of a white even tone. 6.5cm (2 1/2in)
        £800 - 1,200
        CNY7,100 - 11,000                                                    £800 - 1,200
        HK$8,800 - 13,000                                                    CNY7,100 - 11,000
                                                                             HK$8,800 - 13,000
        A distinguished Asian private collection                             Provenance
                                                                             Sotheby’s London, 5 November 1998, lot 638
                                                                             A distinguished Asian private collection

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                                                     For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot  ges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
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