Page 144 - Bonhams asian Art Knightsbridge May 2018
P. 144

388 *                              391 *                             394 *
        EMBLEMS’ SNUFF BOTTLE              ‘SQUIRRELS AND GRAPES’ SNUFF      Qing Dynasty
        18th/19th century                  BOTTLE                            Carved in relief to one side of the flattened
        Of flattened spherical form, rising from an   19th century           body with an elderly scholar guided by his
        oval foot rim and surmounted by a waisted   Of compressed globular form, the red   boy attendant below a gnarled pine tree, the
        neck, each side carved with two of the ‘Eight   overlay carved on both sides with a squirrel   reverse with a lady dressed in long flowing
        Buddhist Emblems’, bajixiang, all rendered in   scampering among twisting, gnarled vines   robes and billowing ribbons holding a fan.
        high relief, the glass of a translucent and rich   issuing leaves and grape clusters. 6.3cm (2   6.3cm (2 1/2in) high.
        ruby-red tone. 5cm (2in) high.     1/2in) high.
                                                                             £600 - 1,000
        £1,500 - 2,000                     £800 - 1,200                      CNY5,300 - 8,800
        CNY13,000 - 18,000                 CNY7,100 - 11,000                 HK$6,600 - 11,000
        HK$16,000 - 22,000                 HK$8,800 - 13,000
        Provenance                         Provenance                        A distinguished Asian private collection
        A distinguished Asian private collection  A distinguished Asian private collection
                                                                             395 *
        389 *                              392 *                             A SHADOW AGATE ‘MAGPIES’ SNUFF
        BOTTLE                             SNUFF BOTTLE                      19th century
        18th/19th century                  18th/19th century                 Well hollowed, of square form with rounded
        Of compressed globular form rising from   The bottle of compressed pear-shaped form,   corners, the narrow sides flanked by animal
        a slightly concave base to a flaring neck,   the opaque white ground overlaid in red   mask and ring handles, the inclusions to one
        liberally decorated with yellow, orange, purple   depicting hovering butterflies above leafy   side carved to suggest two magpies perched
        and black splashes. 4.6cm (1 6/8in) high.  branches of blossoming peonies issuing from   on a leafy branch with the sun overhead.
                                           rockwork. 4.9cm (2in) high.       5.5cm (2 2/8in) high.
        £800 - 1,200
        CNY7,100 - 11,000                  £1,500 - 2,000                    £800 - 1,200
        HK$8,800 - 13,000                  CNY13,000 - 18,000                CNY7,100 - 11,000
                                           HK$16,000 - 22,000                HK$8,800 - 13,000
        A distinguished Asian private collection  Provenance                 Provenance
                                           A distinguished Asian private collection   A distinguished Asian private collection
        390 *                                A similar red overlay white glass snuff bottle,     Compare with a related shadow agate
        A FINE GREEN GLASS ‘CHILONG’ SNUFF   1750-1900, is in the Victoria and Albert   ‘magpie’ snuff bottle, 18th/19th century,
        BOTTLE                             Museum, London and illustrated by H.White,   which was sold at Sotheby’s New York, 13-14
        18th/19th century                  Snuff Bottles from China: The Victoria and   September 2016, lot 221.
        The bottle of globular form rising from an   Albert Museum Collection, London, 1992,
        oval foot rim to a straight neck, each face   pp.172-173, no.2.
        finely carved depicting an archaistic design                         396 *
        of two stylised and confronting chilong with                         AN AGATE ‘COCKERELS AND PRUNUS’
        bifurcated tails, the translucent glass of a rich   393 *            SNUFF BOTTLE
        green colour. 7.1cm high           A RARE LARGE INSIDE-PAINTED ROCK   Late Qing Dynasty/Republic period
                                           CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE              Finely carved around the exterior with a scene
        £3,000 - 4,000                     Signed Ma Shaoxuan, cyclically dated to 1915   of two cockerels with meticulously incised
        CNY27,000 - 35,000                 and of the period                 plumage atop a rocky knoll beside gnarled
        HK$33,000 - 44,000                 Of rectangular form carved with mythical   branches of blossoming prunus, the stone of
                                           beast-heads on the shoulders issuing loop   cloudy beige-colour with natural striations of
        Provenance                         handles on the sides, the interior of one face   caramel-brown. 6cm (2 3/8in) high.
        A distinguished Asian private collection   painted with a luohan meditating on a sutra
                                           seated under a gnarled pine tree beside a   £2,000 - 3,000
        A very similar glass bottle but in red, Qianlong,   recumbent deer, signature of the artist and   CNY18,000 - 27,000
        is illustrated by S.Kwan, Glass Snuff Bottles,   inscription, the reverse side depicting another   HK$22,000 - 33,000
        Hong Kong, 2009, p.114, no.25.     luohan seated in quiet contemplation beside a
                                           cliff, box. 9.2cm (3 5/8in) high. (2).  Provenance
                                                                             A distinguished Asian private collection
                                           £1,000 - 2,000
                                           CNY8,800 - 18,000
                                           HK$11,000 - 22,000
                                           A distinguished Asian private collection

                                           The inscription reads:


                                           Which may be translated as:

                                           For the appreciation of President Yuan Shikai

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