Page 174 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 174

49 TP Y
           17th/18th century
           Both stools with a soft-mat seat set within the rectangular frame, above
           a short plain waist and plain apron, the whole raised on legs of square
           section joined by humpback stretchers and terminating in hoof feet.
           60cm (23 2/8in) wide x 59cm (23 1/2in) deep x 52cm (20 1/2in) high. (2).

           £40,000 - 60,000
           CNY360,000 - 540,000

           十七/十八世紀 黃花梨有束腰羅鍋棖方凳成對

           Peter Lai Antiques Ltd. (label)
           An important European private collection


           Fashioned from thick members of light-coloured huanghuali, stools   方材,攢框裝軟屜,冰盤沿上舒下斂,至底壓一道窄平線,簡潔利
           such as the present lot were highly prized during the Ming and Qing   落。有束腰,羅鍋棖。四足下端略向內兜轉,馬蹄內翻有力。
           dynasties for their linear design and elegant simplicity.
           Stools have a long history in China, and archaeological evidence has   至五世紀的佛教石窟壁畫和七至十世紀繪畫作品中,也可見杌凳供神
           shown that they were used from as early as the Eastern Zhou period   明及地位較高的社會成員使用的情形。宋代之後,椅子已非常普遍,
           (770-221 BC). In later times, the versatile function of stools enabled   但杌凳仍因其輕便小巧、使用舒適而廣為用於室內外各類場合。傳
           them to serve as seats for Buddhist deities, as seen in frescoes   為馬遠所作之《春遊賦詩圖》中,文人逸士在溪林邊雅集賦詩,一
           decorating Buddhist caves dating to the 4th and 5th century, as well   人執筆書於案上,身後即設一隻鑲席面的大方杌凳。有關杌凳的詳
           as serving high-ranking members of society, visible in 7th to 10th   細演化,參S.Handler著,《Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical
           century paintings.                                Furniture》,柏克萊,2001年,頁82-102頁,及王世襄著,《明式家
           Although chairs had become common by the Song dynasty, stools
           remained in widespread use. Because of their relatively small size,   參考一例十七世紀黃花梨杌凳,見王世襄著,《明式家具研究》,
           stools could be easily moved between the halls of a courtyard house,   卷二,香港,2016年,頁19,編號A3。另見一對明晚期至清早期黃
           or carried outdoors during scholarly gatherings to serve as seats or   花梨杌凳,售於香港佳士得,2012年11月28日,拍品編號2007。
           low tables. See, for instance, the large square stool set with a mat
           seat, depicted in ‘Composing Poetry on a Spring Outing’, a 12th/13th
           century painting attributed to Ma Yuan (active before 1189-after 1225).

           For a discussion about the evolution of stools in China, see S.Handler,
           Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture, Berkeley and
           London, 2001, pp.82-102;see also Wang Shixang, Connoisseurship
           of Chinese Furniture: Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, Vol.1, Hong
           Kong, 1990, pp.27-33.

           A similar huanghuali rectangular corner-leg stool, 17th century, is
           illustrated by Wang Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture,
           vol.2, Hong Kong, 2016, p.19, no.A3 and vol.1, pp.27-31. A pair of
           similar huanghuali stools, late Ming/early Qing dynasty, was sold at
           Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2012, lot 2007.

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