Page 201 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 201
families during the Tang dynasty. By their character and pronunciation, 整桌木胎戧金彩漆,桌面髹赭黃色,並以朱漆填勾錦紋作地,描漆繪
they convey blessings for happiness, fu, and noble/rich/high rank, 花鳥竹石等園林景緻,漆面受刀處皆戧金,各式花卉爭奇鬥艷。無束
gui. In conjunction with rocks (symbolic of endurance), magnolias 腰,方材直腿內翻馬蹄。足端四面刻繪玲瓏賞石,其上生出纏枝番
(representing beauty and fertility), and magpies (homophones with jue, 蓮,遍布桌腿及冰盤沿,羅鍋棖及矮老亦滿飾纏枝花卉,華彩煥然。
meaning high rank), peonies represent a visual rebus for the multiple 裝飾之華麗,工藝之細膩,表明本桌或出自宮廷作坊工匠之手,是一
blessings of wealth, longevity, progeny and advancement in career. 件不可多得的明代家具珍品。
The shape of the present table is similar to a rosewood table, Ming 戧金,即指在器物上淺刻出線條紋飾,並在刻痕內填金的工藝。始見
dynasty, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the 於戰國,宋代起用於漆器裝飾,至明朝時更為流行,並大量用於宮廷
Palace Museum. Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hong 漆器。彩漆工藝發軔時期更為久遠,先秦時期便有廣泛運用,其工藝
Kong, 2002, p.111, no.94. Compare the flower and birds designs on a 又細分成「填漆」和「描漆」兩種,至於戧金和彩漆工藝何時結合,
red lacquer table, Ming dynasty, illustrated ibid., p.108, no.92. 學界尚無定論,惟可見明嘉靖以來,戧金彩漆家具有大量存世。