Page 208 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 208

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           A RARE PAIR OF LARGE JICHIMU      The present pair of stools is notable for their   方凳成對,攢框裝軟屜,邊抹混面,採用
                                             geometrical form and the simplicity of their
           STOOLS, CHANGFANGDENG                                              「垛邊」的造法,羅鍋棖用裹腿做。邊抹腿
           17th/18th century                 design. Stools constructed in this shape could  足皆為圓材,或為仿竹製傢俱之效果。
           Each stool with a soft-mat seat set within a   have soft and hard-mat seats; they were
           wide frame with double cushion-moulding   made with and without stretchers, and with or   杌凳是明清時期極為常見的坐具,也被認為
           simulating bamboo, supported on thick   without carved surfaces.   是中國最早的坐具形式之一。造型小巧、
           cylindrical legs joined by wrap-around                             質量輕便,十分適合室內外各類場合;詳
           humpback stretchers, supported underneath   Stools were amongst the most common   見S.Handler著,《Austere Luminosity of
           by a bowed stretcher.             forms of seating during the Ming and Qing   Chinese Classical Furniture》,柏克萊,2001
           58.7cm (23in) high x 61cm (24in) wide x   dynasties, serving only a slightly less formal   年,頁82-102頁。本例羅鍋棖採用裹腿工
           54cm (21 2/8in) deep. (2).        function than chairs. Stools were employed   藝,製作考究;垛邊的造法增加了邊抹的厚
                                             in China since a very early date, and could be   度,既加固了穩定性,又在與裹腿相呼應的
           £30,000 - 50,000                  easily adapted to various indoor and outdoor   同時避免了厚重之感,整體輕盈而精巧。
                                             settings, as discussed by S.Handler, Austere

           CNY270,000 - 450,000              Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture,   參考一件十七世紀黃花梨方凳,見王世襄
                                             Berkeley and London, 2001, pp.82-102.    著,《明式家具研究》,卷二,香港,2016
           十七/十八世紀 鸂鶒木直足裹腿長方凳成對                                               年,頁19,編號A3。另有一對十七世紀黃花
                                             A huanghuali stool related to the present   梨長方凳,售於紐約佳士得,2013年3月21
           Provenance:                       example, 17th century, is illustrated by   日,拍品編號925,可資比對。
           Barbara Giordana, Paris           Wang Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese
           An important European private collection  Furniture, vol.2, Hong Kong, 2016, p.19,
                                             no.A3 and vol.1, pp.27-31. Compare with a
           來源:                               pair of related huanghuali stools, 17th century,
           巴黎Barbara Giordana舊藏              which was sold at Christie’s New York, 21
           歐洲重要私人收藏                          March 2013, lot 925.

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