Page 209 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 209

           AN ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL FOOD     The origin of the dou can be traced back to   Compare the shape and fine decoration and
           VESSEL AND COVER, DOU             the shallow pottery tazza of the Longshan   its arrangement on the present vessel with a
           Eastern Zhou Dynasty              culture during the late Neolithic Period.   related bronze dou, late Spring and Autumn
           The bowl raised on a high stem, the body   The form continued to be in common use   period, 6th century BC, illustrated by J.So,
           cast with stylised dragons beneath two bands  throughout the Shang and Zhou dynasties. It   Eastern Zhou Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M.
           of densely arranged S-scrolls, the sides set   was in the Western Zhou period that attempts   Sackler Collections, London, 1996, no.24.
           with a pair of loop handles, the same design   were made to embellish the simple pottery   A similar bronze ritual food vessel and cover,
           repeated on the cover surrounding the everted  form by fashioning it from lacquer over a   dou, 6th century BC, was sold at Christie’s
           finial decorated with interlacing designs, the   wood core, or casting it in bronze. Bronze   New York, 19 September 2013, lot 1108.
           pale green patina with scattered malachite   versions of the dou vessel, such as the present
           encrustations.                    example, the standard shape being shallow   豆為食器,新石器時代晚期的龍山文化即有
           20cm (8in) high.                  bowls with straight vertical sides rising from   黑陶陶豆出土,商周時期,青銅豆得以大量
                                             tall pedestal feet, are likely to have developed   使用。青銅豆延續了陶豆類高足盤的形制,
           £15,000 - 20,000                  during the Western Zhou period (1047-772   約於西周時期逐漸演化出上為淺碗形盤、中
           CNY140,000 - 180,000              BC). Archaeological excavations suggest that   呈柱形柄、柄下圈足的標準器型;東周時期
                                             the further refinement of the domed lid and   更常見穹頂形蓋及環耳。東周以後,豆逐漸
                                             the lug handles were added to the vessel at
           東周 青銅蟠虺紋豆                         the beginning of the Eastern Zhou period.   取代簋的地位,成為祭祀儀式中盛放黍稷等
                                             During the Eastern Zhou dynasty, dou vessels   穀物的重要禮器。見蘇芳淑著,《Eastern
           Provenance:                       gradually replaced their gui counterpart to   Zhou Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler
           An important European private collection   become the most essential grain containers   Collections》,倫敦,1996年,頁179-180。
                                             in a ritual vessel set; see J.So, Eastern Zhou   本例主體飾蟠虺紋,細緻繁密,交錯往復,
           來源:                               Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler   應為模印壓製而成,是東周青銅紋飾的典型
           歐洲重要私人收藏                          Collections, London, 1996, pp.179-180.  風格。形制及紋飾相關的他例可參考一件
           The present vessel is a fine example of grain                      淑著,《Eastern Zhou Ritual Bronzes in the
           receptacles used in ritual performances to                         Arthur M. Sackler Collections》,倫敦,1996
           worship the ancestors during the Eastern                           年,編號24。另可比較一例相似的春秋晚
           Zhou Period (771-256 BC).                                          期,公元前六世紀青銅豆,售於紐約佳士

           For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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