Page 228 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 228

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           AN IMPERIAL TIANQI AND QIANGJIN POLYCHROME        Notable for its elegant and sweeping form, the present stand has been
           LACQUER STAND                                     meticulously decorated with intricate floral designs. Stands of similar
           Kangxi/Yongzheng                                  form to the present example were used in both religious and secular
           Of square shape, the top finely incised and highlighted in shades of   contexts to hold incense burners or flower vases. These objects were
           red, orange, green, blue and black within outlines incised in gold, with   designed with great attention to detail and form, pleasing the eye from
           a central medallion enclosing blossoming lotus flowers interspersed   any angle. For a detailed discussion about the form of incense stands,
           within meandering stems and bats, within further lotus sprays at the   see S.Handler, Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture,
           four corners, the stand with a narrow waist decorated with bats and   Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2001, pp.295-302.
           floral scrolls within interlocking geometric designs, above a bombé
           apron and four gently-tapered legs terminating in hoof feet, all raised   Polychrome lacquer became popular in the late Ming dynasty, either
           on a pedestal base.                               brush-painted or gold-engraved and coloured in the more laborious
           47cm (18 1/2in) high x 37cm (14 1/2in) wide x 37cm (14 1/2in) deep.   qiangjin-and-tianqi technique, such as on the present stand. While the
                                                             qiangjin method involved incising gilt lines into the design, the tianqi
           £15,000 - 20,000                                  method featured incised outlines filled with different colours of lacquer.
           CNY140,000 - 180,000                              The combination of the two techniques allowed craftsmen to achieve
                                                             attractive shading effects in vibrant colours within clearly-defined
                                                             shapes, particularly evident with the painterly scenes of blossoming
           清康熙/雍正 御製填漆戧金纏枝蓮紋四足香几                             flowers on the top panels. Highly laborious and time-consuming, this
                                                             technique was mostly reserved for smaller-sized objects, and only
           Provenance:                                       rarely on larger furnishings such as the present lot.
           Ader Paris, Palais Galliera, 30 March 1965, lot 32
           Madame Djahanguir Riahi, Paris                    The highly-auspicious designs on the present stand suggest religious
           Sotheby’s Paris, Madame Djahanguir Riahi, les oeuvres que j’ai   associations concerning the attainment of Immortality. The ‘floating
           aimées, 6 July 2017, lot 54A                      landscape’ may have been conceived as the Daoist realm of Kunlun.
           An important European private collection          The blossoming lotus flowers may have also evoked the transmutation
                                                             of lacquer into gold, a Daoist process aimed at driving away malignant
           來源:                                               spirits and acquiring immortality. As a flower emerging from mud,
           巴黎艾德拍賣行,加列拉宮,1965年3月30日,拍品編號32                    however, the lotus was regarded by Buddhists as symbolic of
           巴黎Djahanguir Riahi夫人舊藏                            enlightenment and purity and may have also evoked the rebirth in the
           巴黎苏富比,「Djahanguir Riahi夫人私人珍藏專場」,2017年7月6         wondrous Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha.
           歐洲重要私人收藏                                          A related lacquer stand, Kangxi, is illustrated by H.Brinker and A.Lutz,
                                                             Chinese Cloisonné . The Pierre Uldry Collection, London, 1989, p.53, fig.29.

                                                             Compare with a similar pair of qiangjin and tianqi stands, Kangxi,
                                                             which was sold at Sotheby’s Paris, lot 55. See also a related
                                                             polychrome lacquer incense stand, 18th century, which was sold at
                                                             Bonhams London, 16 May 2019, lot 75.

           香几木胎戧金彩漆,通身髹赭地。桌面長方倭角,四朵如意祥雲圍繞                    「戧金」勾勒出花紋圖案的輪廓及枝葉的細部紋理;「填彩漆」則需
           中心番蓮,周圍一圈及四角刻繪纏枝蓮及蝙蝠紋,以紅、綠、赭、黑                    要在紋理內填入濃厚的色漆,充滿之後再經磨平,與原漆地平滑一
           各色漆填飾。束腰四面鎪出炮仗洞,下承四腿,自肩部以下向外鼓出                    體,色彩紛呈,與金色的邊框紋理碰撞出華麗的裝飾效果。這種工藝
           後,直至下端,始向內捲轉,落在拖泥之上。通體飾番蓮、蝙蝠及拐                    耗時耗力,多見於日用小件,如捧盒托盤一類,用於如本例大型家具
           子龍紋,雕琢精細,富麗堂皇。                                    者,殊為珍罕。

           香几形制多樣,常出現於明清書畫及版畫中。因常置於一室中心單獨                    參考一例清康熙漆香几,收錄於H.Brinker與A.Lutz著,《Chinese
           陳設或承托器物,香几在造型上沒有較強的方向性,裝飾設計的細                     Cloisonné. The Pierre Uldry Collection》,倫敦,1989年,頁53,
           節更需面面俱到,才能使觀者無論在何角度都能獲得視覺的愉悅。                     編號29。
           有關香几形制的詳細探討,見S.Handler著,《Austere Luminosity of
           Chinese Classical Furniture》,柏克萊,2001年,頁295-302。  另有一對清康熙戧金填漆四足香几,售於巴黎蘇富比,2017年7月
           彩漆工藝於明末十分流行,嘉靖以來更有大量戧金彩漆家具存世。戧                    斯,2019年5月16日,拍品編號75,可資比對。

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