Page 56 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 56
The present table is notable for the attractive grain and rich honey 獨板案面翹頭,連牙條與腿夾頭榫結構,面下直牙,牙條與牙頭一木
colour of its prized huanghuali wood, the intricately-reticulated side 連做,沿口起陽線,花牙頭雕雲雷紋,銜接牙堵成環匝,直腿微微外
panels, and the shaped spandrels which are joined in tongue-grooved 撇,腿間管腳棖下鑲壺門形縧環板,內透雕螭龍紋,底棖下裝平素牙
fashion to the trestle legs, providing additional structural support. 子,香爐式足。
Long narrow rectangular tables with upturned flanges were popular in 案面兩端帶有高起的翹頭,稱之為翹頭案。此類帶托泥、側鑲擋板的
wealthy households during the Ming and Qing dynasty, demonstrating 條案皆屬《長物誌》之「飛角平圓」的「天然几」;常見於明清大戶
the high status of their owners. They are discussed in Wen Zhenheng’s 門第中,無論置於廳堂、兩廂乃至書齋,或陳設珍玩彝器,或書寫作
(1585-1645) influential ‘Treatise on Superfluous Things’ Zhang wu zhi, 畫,或如明文震亨於《長物誌》中所描繪的「置奇石,或時花盆景之
a 17th century guide to refined taste. In this work, Wen mentions that 屬」,用途不一。
such tables were placed against a wall and underneath a painting,
holding seasonal flowers, scholar’s rocks or miniature tray-landscapes. 據Sarah Handler所稱,此種兩端高起的矩形桌案的原型最早可追
Although Wen warned against the use of excessive carving, the lively 溯至東周時期的供桌,可見於東周匜上紋飾,參考M.Fong著〈The
openwork panels depicting entwined chilong on the present table Origin of Chinese Pictorial Representation of the Human Figure〉,
balance the simplicity of the apron and spandrels. 收錄於《Artibus Asiae》,1988年,第49期,頁22,圖4。明以後,
According to Sarah Handler, the design for this type of rectangular 的存在體量,又呼應了古代傳統,見S.Handler著,〈Side Tables ,
table derives from altar tables made from as early as the Eastern Zhou a Surface for Treasures and the Gods〉,收錄於《Chinese Furniture:
dynasty (771-256 BC). These early tables featured upturned ends and Selected Articles from Orientations, 1984-1999》,香港,1999年,
are depicted on archaic bronzes from this period, such as a bronze 頁200-209。
yi vessel dated to the Eastern Zhou period, illustrated by M.Fong,
‘The Origin of Chinese Pictorial Representation of the Human Figure’, 本例擋板精雕細琢,線條旋回流暢,刀法圓熟自如。紐約大都會博
Artibus Asiae, 1988, vol.49, fig.4, p.22. The use of upturned flanges, 物館館藏一件明至清翹頭案,較本例尺寸稍大,同樣雕飾子母螭龍
however, appears to have disappeared prior to the Ming period, when 紋,可資比對;收錄於S.Handler著,《Austere Luminosity of Chinese
these long rectangular tables gained popularity. The flanges served Classical Furniture》,柏克萊,2001年,頁237,圖版14.16。另比
as a reference to China’s illustrious past, which enhances the table’s 較清宮舊藏一件明黃花梨翹頭案,見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大係明
commanding presence within the rooms; see S.Handler, ‘Side Tables, 清家具》,香港,2002年,頁156-157,編號136;以及一件明翹頭
a Surface for Treasures and the Gods’, in Chinese Furniture: Selected 案,見艾克著,《Chinese Domestic Furniture》,拉特蘭、佛蒙特及
Articles from Orientations, 1984-1999, Hong Kong, 1999, pp.200-209. 東京,1962年,圖版82。
The carved designs on this table display bold vigour and freedom. 一件十七至十八世紀黃花梨翹頭案,較本例稍大,售於倫敦蘇富
Compare the combination of interlocking angular scrolls on the shaped 比,2015年11月11日,拍品編號8。
spandrels and the unusual depiction of a male, female and young
chilong as seen on a related but larger qiaotouan table, Ming/Qing
dynasty, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, illustrated by
S.Handler, The Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture,
Los Angeles and London, 2001, p.237, fig.14:16. See also a related
huanghuali table, Ming dynasty, in the Qing Court Collection, illustrated
in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.
Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hong Kong, 2002, pp.156-
157, no.136. A further example, Ming dynasty, is illustrated by G.Ecke,
Chinese Domestic Furniture, Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, 1962, pl.82.
A related but larger huanghuali recessed-leg table, qiaotouan, 17th/18th
century, was sold at Sotheby’s London, 11 November 2015, lot 8.