Page 59 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 59
A FINE LARGE ZITAN LOTUS-SHAPED This well-proportioned brushpot is a fine and 紫檀為材,雕挖呈六瓣式。敞口,平沿,口
BRUSHPOT, BITONG rare example of a scholar’s classic object. It 沿起寬棱,倭角線由口沿向下延伸至底部隨
18th century served the essential function of holding the 弧形凸出,各瓣中心向下延續為六腳支承。
The vessel deftly carved with barbed sides brushes that allowed a scholar to engage in
divided into twelve bracket lobes, supported the art of calligraphy and landscape and still- 紫檀自古就是中國最為名貴的木材。本器六
on a foot of corresponding lobes rising from life painting. In addition to playing a functional 方六棱,餘則光素無紋,惟以本然之紋理與
five ruyi feet, the lustrous precious wood role, the brushpot fulfilled the aesthetic taste 渾厚之包漿為飾,簡潔素雅,協調規整,上
patinated to a deep brown tone. of the literati because of its organic material 下相應,婉轉相因。置於文人案頭,朝夕相
19cm (7 1/2in) diam. which helped a scholar to reconnect with 伴,摩挲觀賞,是以澄懷觀道,以達悠遊隱
the natural world. Escaping to nature was 逸自然。
£16,000 - 20,000 a central theme of the literatus scholar as
CNY140,000 - 180,000 this provided him with an escape from the 一例十七至十八世紀紫檀葵瓣式嵌銀筆筒,
mundane world of current affairs to an ideal 造型與本例相似,見伍嘉恩著,《木趣居:
environment where he could reaffirm his 家具中的嘉具》,北京,2017年,頁442。
十八世紀 紫檀葵瓣式筆筒 identity as poet, philosopher and calligrapher.
Provenance: Zitan (‘purple sandalwood’), alongside 售於紐約蘇富比,2016年3月15日,拍品編號
Nicholas Grindley, no.1004.18 (label) huanghuali was the finest type of wood at the 24,可資比對。
Wilson collection, no.C94 (label) time, and is the most dense and slow-growing
Christie’s New York, 17 March 2016, The of hardwoods used to create objects for the
Ian and Susan Wilson Collection of Scholar’s scholar’s desk. Therefore, zitan brushpot of
Objects, lot 1164 such impressive size as the present lot are
An important European private collection particularly rare. A related zitan lobed brushpot,
17th/18th century, is illustrated by G.Wu Bruce,
來源: The Best of the Best. The MQJ Collection of
倫敦古董商Nicholas Grindley,編號1004.18 Ming Furniture, Hong Kong, 2017, p.442.
威爾遜伉儷舊藏,藏品編號C94(標籤) Compare with a similar zitan lobed brushpot,
紐約佳士得,2016年3月17日,拍品編號1164 18th/19th century, which was sold at
歐洲重要私人收藏 Sotheby’s New York, 15 March 2016, lot 24.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue. THE H COLLECTION | 57