Page 118 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 118

         AN IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY RARE                   清初   田黃螭龍鈕安歧鑒藏印(23.6克)
         EARLY QING DYNASTY, 17TH-18TH CENTURY             印文:安儀周家珍藏
         The rectangular seal is surmounted by a flat finial carved with two   田黃材質,浮雕螭龍鈕,印文「安儀周家珍藏」,為清初鑑
         confronting chi dragons, each with a single horn and bifurcated tail.  藏大家安歧之鑒藏印。
         The seal is carved with six characters in seal script, An Yizhou jia
         zhencang, ‘Seal of the family of An Yizhou’.      安歧(1683—1745?),字儀周,號麓堂,別號松泉老人,朝鮮人。有
         1 ¿ in. (2.9 cm.) long, 23.6 g, box               清一代最負盛名的書畫鑒賞家、收藏家。早年隨父安尚義作為高麗貢使
         HK$800,000-1,200,000           US$110,000-150,000  後在天津、揚州經營鹽業,由此積得家財萬貫、富甲一方。一生嗜好書
         The inscription on the current seal indicates it was used as the personal   畫,凡 李項氏、河南卞氏、真定梁氏所蓄古跡,均傾貲收藏。所藏之
         seal of An Qi (1683-1745?), who was perhaps the most prominent art   富,甲於海內。上至三國魏晉,下至明代末期,收藏範圍極廣,皆為歷
         collector throughout the entire Qing dynasty. An Qi, also known as   代精品。對其寓目之法書名繪必認真記錄,晚年將其積累數十年之書畫
         An Yizhou by his pseudonym, was a native Korean who followed his   劄記揀選編次有《墨緣匯觀》。《墨緣匯觀》正錄四卷,所錄名書畫起
         father to Beijing in his early years, serving as a tributary diplomat. He
         became a trusted aide of the powerful statesman Mingju at the Kangxi   自東晉顧愷之,止於明代董其昌。記述作品內容、名人題識、印記、藏
         court, and was granted the right to conduct salt business in Tianjin and   收經過。間作考訂,並論書法畫法。續錄二卷,僅載標題,略記大概。
         Yangzhou, through which he amassed enormous amount of wealth,
         allowing him to form one of the most extensive and formidable art   安岐去世以後,家道中落,所藏大部分精品入清乾隆內府。乾隆十一年
         collections in Chinese history. His collection of paintings and calligraphy   高宗因得王羲之的《快雪時晴帖》、王獻之的《中秋帖》、王珣的《伯
         encompasses some of the most well-known masterpieces such as A   遠帖》三帖,故將書房稱之為「三希堂」其中王珣的《伯遠帖》即為安
         Letter to Boyuan by Wang Xun. After An Qi’s demise, his family fortune   氏舊物。據不完全統計,其舊藏被乾隆內府編入《石渠寶笈》的多達70
         diminished considerably, with a majority of his art collection acquired
         by the Qianlong Emperor, many items from which are illustrated in   餘件,水準之高可見一斑。跟其他鑒藏家一樣,凡經他鑒定、品賞、
         Shiqu Baoji (Catalogue of the Qing Imperial Collection).  收藏的古代書畫作品,必鈐印銘記。常用的鑒藏印記有「安儀周家珍
         The current seal impression can be found on a long list of masterpieces
         of Chinese painting and calligraphy, including the Pingfu tie by the   鑒賞」、「安儀周書畫之章」等。
         Western Jin calligrapher Lu Ji, now in the Beijing Palace Museum;
         Chushi song by the Western Jin calligrapher Suo Jing, in the Beijing   而現藏北京故宮博物院的西晉陸機《平復帖》、西晉索靖《出師頌》、
         Palace Museum; The Admonition Scrolls by the Jin painter Gu Kaizhi,   唐褚遂良摹《王羲之行書蘭亭序卷》、唐顏真卿大楷《潘氏竹山堂聯
         in the British Museum; Lady Guoguo’s Spring Outing by the Tang   句》冊、隋展子虔《遊春圖》、五代董源《瀟湘圖》,現藏上海博物館
         painter Zhang Xuan, in the Liaoning Provincial Museum; and Dwelling   唐懷素《苦筍帖》、唐高閑《草書千字文卷》、現藏大英博物館晉顧愷
         in the Fuchun Mountains by the Yuan painter Huang Gongwang, in the   之《女史箴圖》、現藏大都會博物館唐韓幹《照夜白》、現藏臺北故宮
         National Palace Museum.

                                                                         seal face  seal impression
                                                                          印面           印文

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