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2969 Continued

               The present stem cup belongs to a group of exceptionally rare blue   凸節把盃,又稱竹節靶盃,因高足近盃底處凸起一周,形似竹節而得
               and white vessels painted with sea mythical creatures from the   名。盃形小巧精緻,外口沿繪青花如意雲頭紋與凸節處空心如意雲頭
               Xuande period. A nearly identical stem cup is in the National Palace
               Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of   紋,上下呼應。盃外壁繪青花海水波濤為地,盃身於胎土未乾透時,暗
               Selected Hsüan-te Imperial Porcelains of the Ming Dynasty, Taipei,   刻海獸紋飾並以青花點睛,其上再掛透明釉,形成白色海獸出沒於青花
               1998, pp. 200-201, no. 73 (fig. 1), which is illustrated alongside another   波濤中之效果。盃內底以青花書寫梵文「吽」字,其外書寫梵文八種子
               version of the stem cup with the creatures decorated of the same   字一周,形成中台八葉院式,意為受佛庇佑之吉祥寓意。外底淺圈足,
               design in underglaze blue against a lightly pencilled ground of waves,   青花雙圈楷書六字宣德官窯款。青花發色深沉,暗刻線條精細,纖毫入
               ibid, no. 74. Another example of the latter type was excavated at
               Zhu Shan, Jingdezhen and illustrated in Yuan’s and Ming’s Imperial   微。
               Porcelains Unearthed from Jingdezhen, Beijing, 1999, p. 188, no. 146.   明代永樂宣德時期,於海外有鄭和七下西洋,與國內有分封西藏法王
               The same decoration can also be found on larger stem bowls of the
               Xuande period such as the example sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29   之佛事活動,故有此類結合海獸及梵文官窯作品出現。近似例參見台北
               September 1992, lot 473.                          故宮藏品,發表於《明代宣德官窯菁華特展圖錄》,1998年,頁200-
               The design continued into the Wanli period, as exemplified by a Wanli-  201,圖版73(圖一);此外另有同紋飾之淡描海水波濤之相同高足盃
               marked stem cup nearly identical in design to the present example, sold   品類,參見台北故宮藏品,發表於《明代宣德官窯菁華特展圖錄》,
               at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 May 2013, lot 2247.   1998年,頁202-203,圖版74。

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