Page 104 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 104

2360                             2361                             2362                                               2363                             2364                             2365
         LUO, YIGUI.                      LIU, HAISU (1896 – 1994)         WU, XIZAI (1799 – 1870) attributed.                ZHANG, ZHAOXIANG (1852 – 1908)   TWO INK PAINTINGS WITH PLUMS.    TWO PAINTINGS OF THE
         A PAIR OF DUCKS IN LOTUS POND.   BAMBOO.                          PEONIES.                                           FLOWERING KAPOK AND NANDINA.     ZWEI TUSCHMALEREIEN MIT          LINGDONG PAINTING SCHOOL.
         ENTENPAAR IM LOTOSTEICH.         BAMBUS.                          PÄONIEN.                                           BLÜHENDE KAPOKZWEIGE UND         PFLAUMEN.                        ZWEI BILDER DER
         China. Cyclically dated 1934.    China. 1941 resp. 1943.          China. 19th c.                                     NANDINA.                         China. 19th/20th c.              LINGDONG - MALSCHULE.
                                                                                                                              China. Cyclically dated 1895.                                     China. 20th c. Chaoshan Painting School.
         Ink and colors on paper. 99x32.5cm.   Ink on paper. 136x33.5cm. Sign.: Liu   Ink and light colors on paper.                                           Ink on paper resp. silk. a) Flowering
         Sign.: Yigui Luo Xian. Seal: Yigui. Hanging   Haisu, Haiweng. Three artist seals.   134.5x38cm. Sign.: Xizai Wu Tingyang.   Light ink and color on paper. 46x35cm.   plums. 135x25.5cm. Framed with glass   Ink and colors on paper. Mounted as
         scroll. Condition A/B. Supplement:   Mounted as hanging scroll. Condition A/B.   Seal: Xizai, Wu Rangzhi. Collector’s seal   Sign.: He An Zhang Zhaoxiang. Seal:   (147x40cm). Sign.: Mei Guan. Three seals.   hanging scroll. a) Hibiscus. 68x37cm.
         Hanging scroll with geese at the water.   Supplement: Hanging scroll with moonlit   unread. Mounted as hanging scroll.   He An. Mounted as hanging scroll.   b) Plum, bamboo and rocks. 85x33cm.   Lin Shouyi (1901 - 1990). Inscription
         Ink and color on silk. 67x33cm.    bamboo. Cyclically dated 1940. Ink on   Condition B. Small tear. Supplement:      Condition A/B. Browned, folded.   Unmounted. Sign.: Yushan. Two seals.   with dating 1979. Sign. and seal.
         Sign. and seal.                  paper. 117x32.5cm. Inscription, seal and   Hanging scroll with peonies and          Provenance:                      Condition A/B.                   b) Mountain landscape. 67x32cm. Guo
         Provenance:                      sign.                            singing bird. Ink and colors on paper.              - Estate Andreas Holter.        Provenance:                      Dushi (1927 - 1990). Sign. and seal.
         -Estate Andreas Holter.          Provenance:                      131x32.5cm. Seal and sign.                                                           - Estate Andreas Holter.        Condition A/B.
                                           - Estate Andreas Holter.        Provenance:                                        張兆祥(1852-1908)                                                    Provenance:
         羅一桂(民國時期)/ 羅賢                                                      - Estate Andreas Holter.                          木棉南竹圖                            墨梅圖兩幅                             - Estate Andreas Holter.
         荷塘鴛鴦圖                            劉海粟(1896-1994)                                                                      乙未(1895)   紙本設色                  19/20世紀
         甲戌(1934)   紙本設色                  墨竹                               吳熙載(1799-1870) 款                                   畫心46x35cm   立軸裝裱                 a) 梅館。紙本設墨,畫心135x23.5cm          嶺東畫派畫作兩幅
         畫心99x32.5cm   立軸裝裱               辛巳(1941)   紙本設色                  牡丹圖                                                題識並署名:「和庵張兆祥」                    鏡框147x40cm。鈐印三枚。                 20世紀   紙本設色   立軸裝裱
         題識並署名。鈐印:「一桂之印」                  畫心136x33.5cm   立軸裝裱              19世紀   紙本設色                                        鈐印:「和庵」                          b) 三清圖。絹本設墨,85x33cm              a) 林受益(1901-1990)木槿圖。
         品相等級A/B。                         題識、署名與鈐印三枚。品相等級A/B。              畫心134.5x38cm   立軸裝裱                                品相等級A/B,變色、摺痕。                   署名「禺山」及鈐印兩枚。                     已未(1979),畫心135x23.5cm,
         附:周文矩款雙鵝圖。                       附:竹林月色圖。                         題識並署名:「熙載吳廷楊」                                      來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。                      品相等級A/B,變色、摺痕。                   題識、署名及鈐印兩枚。
         絹本設色立軸,畫心67x33cm                 紙本設色立軸,畫心117x32.5cm              鈐印:「熙載之印」「吳氏攘之」                                    € 300 – 500 | $ 333 – 555        來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。                      b) 郭篤士(1927-1990)一角山樓圖。
         來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。                      來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。                      品相等級B。附:風蘭館主人款花鳥圖。                                                                  € 250 – 350 | $ 278 – 389        畫心67x32cm,題識、署名及鈐印兩枚。
         € 300 – 400 | $ 333 – 444        € 300 – 400 | $ 333 – 444        紙本設色立軸,畫心131x32.5cm                                                                                                  品相等級A/B。
                                                                           來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。                                                                                                          來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。
                                                                           € 400 – 500 | $ 444 – 555                                                                                            € 400 – 600 | $ 444 – 666
         Asian Art
         Andreas Holter Collection – Part II
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