Page 106 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 106

2372                                              2374
                                                                           LI, YANKUI (1840 – 1913)                          FAN AND FOUR MINIATURE PAINTINGS.
                                                                           MOUNATIN AND WATER                                FÄCHER UND VIER MINIATURBILDER.
                                                                           LANDSCAPES.                                       China. Qing dynasty. 19th c.
                                                                           LANDSCHAFTEN MIT BERGEN
                                                                           UND WASSER.                                       Ink and color on paper. a) Fan: painting and calligraphy.
                                                                           China. Qing dynasty. 19th c.                      50x18.5cm. Damaged. b) Four framed pictures with
                                                                                                                             flowers. Each 19.5x15.5cm. Inscription and denoted: Gai Qi.
                                                                           Leporello album (26x25cm) with wooden             Condition B.
                                                                           cover and twelve album leaves, each               Provenance:   Estate Andreas Holter.
                                                                           21x16cm. Light ink and colors on
                                                                           paper. In very fine literati style painting,       花鳥書法圖折扇及花卉冊頁四幅
                                                                           landscapes with moonlit mountains                 清19世紀   紙本設色
                                                                           with water and figures. All sealed: Chan           a)  竹折扇。長32cm,畫面50x18.5cm。破損。b)  改琦款花卉
                                                                           Quan, Yankui and other. The last leaf             冊頁四幅。每幅19.5x15.5cm。題識、署名及鈐印「子鄉」
                                                                           with dedication and inscription saying            「詩畫」。鏡框裝裱。品相等級B,霉點。
                                                                           the twelve moonlit scenes painted in the          來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。
                                                                           style of Xi An (Studio name of Zhang Yin,         € 200 – 300 | $ 222 – 333
                                                                           1761 - 1829). Condition A/B. Slight foxing.
                                                                           Exhibition:                                       2375
                                                                            - East Asian Museum Cologne, 1953.               FIVE REPRINTS OF HISTORICAL BOOKS.
                                                                           No. 10, Owner Prof. Hermann Consten               FÜNF NACHDRUCKE VON HISTORISCHEN BÜCHERN.
                                                                           (14.3.1878 - 1957)                                China/Japan. 19th/20th c.
                                                                            - Estate Andreas Holter.                         a) After Kong Guangtao (ed.): (Kongs Yuexue Pavilion:
                                                                            - Prof. Hermann Consten.                         Directory of Calligraphy and Painting). Five volumes. 1889
                                                                                                                             edition. Collector’s seal of Zhou Zuoren. 31x19cm. Cassette.
                                                                           李彥奎(1840-1913)                                    b) After Ren Xiong (1823 - 1857): (Collection of playing
                                                                           月景圖冊頁(十二開)                                        cards while drinking wine). Two volumes. 1854 edition.
                                                                           清19世紀   紙本設色  頁心21x16cm                           29.4x13.5cm. Cassette. c) After Shi Liang (1787 - ?): (Collection
                                                                           裝裱成冊26x25cm,經折式,木板面。仿                             of characters in grass writing). Four volumes. Guangxu bingxu
                                                                           夕庵(張崟,1761-1829年,清代畫家)                            (1886) edition. 17.2x10.2cm. Cassette. d) After Hu Zhengyan:
                                                                           筆意繪十二幅山水人物圖,每頁一鈐印:                                (Letter Paper collection of the Ten Bamboo Hall). First volume.
                                                                           「潺泉」「彥奎」「李印」等。品相等                                 Prob. Rongbaozhai edition. 31x21cm. e) Mizuhara Baioku
                                                                           級A/B,少許霉點。層於1953年在德國科                             (Ed.): (Exercises for independent learning of Chinese painting).
                                                                           隆東亞藝術博物館展出,編號10,為Her-                             Volume 1, 3, 4. Dated 1880. 18.5x12.2cm. Condition B.
                                                                           mann Consten教授 (1878-1957年)藏品。                    Provenance:  Estate Andreas Holter.
                                                                           來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。                                       古籍刻本
                                                                           € 900 – 1.200 | $ 999 – 1.332                     中國/日本   19/20世紀
                                                                                                                             a)  孔廣陶編《孔氏岳雪樓書畫錄》五卷。清光緒己丑年(1889)
                                                                           2373                                              b)  任熊/任渭長編《列仙酒牌》兩卷。咸豐四年(1854)刊套色
                                                                           TWO FAN PAINTINGS.                                印本,線裝兩冊一函,29.4x13.5cm
                                                                           ZWEI FÄCHERBILDER.                                c)  石梁編《草字彚》四卷。光緒丙午(1886)刻本,線裝四冊一
                                                                           China. 19th c.                                    函,17.2x10.2cm。伊立勳(1856-1942)題簽,張鶚權藏書印
                                                                                                                             d) 胡正言編《十竹齋箋譜》第一卷。線裝套色印本,31x21cm
                                                                           Ink and color on paper. Mounted with              e) 日本水原梅屋編《漢畫獨稽古》第一、三、四卷。日本明治
                                                                           passe - partout on cardboard, resp.               十三年(1880)刊套色印本,線裝,18.5x12.2cm
                                                                           framed with glass. a) Family in the               品相等級B。
                                                                           summer garden. 50x17.5cm. b) Scholar              來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。
                                                                           with boy making tea. 51x17cm. Frame               € 350 – 450 | $ 389 – 500
                                                                           62x33cm. Inscription and sign.: Sha
                                                                           Shanchun (1830 - 1906). Dated 1884.               2376
                                                                           Seal. Condition B. Browned, foxing,               EIGHT BOOKS ABOUT PAINTING AND CALLIGRAPHY.
                                                                           wormholes.                                        ACHT FACHBÜCHER ÜBER MALEREI UND KALLIGRAFIE.
                                                                           Provenance: Estate Andreas Holter.                China/Japan. 20th c.
                                                                                                                             Provenance: Estate Andreas Holter.
                                                                           19世紀   紙本設色   各約50x17cm                           書畫專業書籍八冊
                                                                           a)  拂暑圖。庚午(1870),題識、署名、鈐                          中國/日本   20世紀
                                                                           印及鑑藏章若干枚。                                         a) 1982年北京出版故宮博物院編《中國歷代書畫:故宮博物
                                                                           b)沙山春(1830-1906)煮茶圖。甲申(1884),                     院畫III  宋代部分(2) 》。b) 1972年東京出版《橋本收藏:明
                                                                           題識、署名及鈐印。配鏡框62x33cm。                              清畫目錄》,扉頁作者親筆贈言簽名。c) 1975年香港出版
                                                                           品相等級B,變色、霉點、蟲蛀。                                   《至樂樓藏明遺民書畫》。另有五本書籍。品相等級A/B。
                                                                           來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。                                       來源:霍爾特私人舊藏。
         Asian Art                                                         € 400 – 600 | $ 444 – 666                         € 150 – 180 | $ 167 – 200
         Andreas Holter Collection – Part II
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