Page 115 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 115

2470                             2471                             2472                                               2476                             2477                             2478
         THREE PAINTINGS.                 TWO HANGING SCROLLS.             XIE, ZHILIU (1910 – 1997)                          WU, DONGHUAI (1853 – 1904)       TWO HANGING SCROLLS: GARDEN      TWO HANGING SCROLLS: RICE FIELDS
         DREI MALEREIEN.                  ZWEI HÄNGEROLLEN.                – in the style of                                  FOUR ALBUM LEAVES WITH           AT NIGHT AND A RIVER LANDSCAPE.  IN GUILIN RESP. AUTUMN LANDSCAPE.
         China. 20th c.                   China.                           SINGING BIRD ON RED TWIG.                          STORIES AND LEGENDS.             ZWEI HÄNGEROLLEN: NÄCHTLICHER    ZWEI HÄNGEROLLEN: REISFELDER IN
                                                                           SINGVOGEL AUF ROTEM AST.                           VIER ALBUMBLÄTTER MIT            GARTEN UND FLUSSLANDSCHAFT.      GUILIN BZW. HERBSTLANDSCHAFT.
         Ink and color on paper. Mounted as   Ink and light colors on paper. a) Riding   China. Dated 1959.                   GESCHICHTEN UND LEGENDEN.        China. 20th c.                   China. 1992.
         hanging scroll. a) Wang Xizhi with   hunter and ox - driver. 19th c. 132x32cm.                                       China. Late Qing dynasty. 19th c. One leaf
         wisteria. 128.5x64.5cm. Dated 1992.   Sign.: Wang Su. Seal: Wang Xiaomei.   Ink and colors on paper. Mounted as      cyclically dated 1868.           Ink and colors on paper.         Ink resp. colors on paper. Each ca.
         b) Traveler on donkey. 66x66.5cm.   Cardboard box. b) River landscape with   hanging scroll. Picture size 88.5x53cm.                                  64x31.5/94x50cm. Inscription and sign.:   65x63.5cm. Sign.: Sun Li'An resp.
         Yu Xianghua (1947 - ). Dated 1998.   pavilion. 20th c. 64x31.5cm. Sign.: Ren   Sign.: Inscription and described: Xie Zhiliu.   Ink and light pigments on paper. Size   Lin Quan resp. Chun Hui. Condition A/B.  Huang Guisheng. Inscription and seal.
         c) Squirrels with grapes. Jin Shaoshi   Yu. Seal: Lifan . Condition B. Slightly   Three seals (unread). Condition A/B.   48.5x33cm. Frame 67x51.5cm. Sign.:   Provenance:              Condition A/B.
         (1869  - ?). Inscription and seal.   browned, partly damaged.     € 500 – 600 | $ 555 – 666                          Ting Zhi. Seal: Ting Zhi. Framed with   -Private collection Northern Germany.   Provenance:
         Condition A/B.                   Provenance:                                                                         passe - partout and glass. Condition B.   € 250 – 400 | $ 278 – 444  -Private collection Northern Germany.
         Provenance:                       - Private collection Northern Germany.                                             A little bit of foxing. A few insect holes.                       € 200 – 400 | $ 222 – 444
          - Private collection Northern Germany.   € 500 – 700 | $ 555 – 777                                                  Partly restored.
         € 550 – 850 | $ 611 – 944                                                                                            € 300 – 500 | $ 333 – 555

         2473                             2474                             2475                                               2479                             2480                             2481
         LUOHAN WITH TIGER                FAMILIES OF FISHERMEN            QIAN, WENBIN                                       CHEN, ZIHE (1910 – 1984)         BOOK: CHINESE BAMBOO             BOOK: ERNST BOERSCHMANN:
         AND CALLIGRAPHY.                 AT THE SHORE.                    (2nd half of 19th c – 1948)                        PRAISE OF THE PAPER.             PAPERMAKING.                     CHINESISCHE ARCHITEKTUR.
         LUOHAN MIT TIGER                 FISCHERFAMILIEN AM UFER.         SIX ALBUM LEAVES WITH                              LOB DES PAPIERS.                 BUCH: CHINESISCHE                Publisher: Ernst Wachsmut, Berlin. 1925.
         UND KALLIGRAFIE.                 China. 19th/20th c.              HISTORCAL PERSONS.                                 China. Cyclically dated guichou (1973).  BAMBUSPAPIERHERSTELLUNG.
         China. 20th c.                                                    SECHS ALBUMBLÄTTER MIT                                                              Berlin. Akademie Verlag. 1993.   2 Folios. 162 pages German text and
                                          Ink and color on paper. 162x43.5cm.   HISTORISCHEN PERSÖNLICHKEITEN.                Ink on paper. 135x68.5cm. In small seal                           340 charts in collotype: 270 charts with
         Ink and colors on paper. Mounted as   Inscription and sign.: Dan Ting. Two seals.   China. Cyclically dated bingchen (1916).   script characters a long poem by Fu Xian   Facsimile of a picture album in the   photos, 70 charts with drawings. 6 color
         hanging scroll. a) Maitreya. 95.5x59cm.   Mounted as hanging scroll. Condition A/B.                                  (243 - 294), a writer of the Western Jin   Leipzig Book and Writing Museum, with   charts, 39 illustrations in the text. Binding
         Shen Fengtao (1945 - ). Inscription and   Supplement: Hanging scroll with   Ink and light pigments on paper. Size each   period. Sign.: Fengcheng Chen Zihe. Seal:   comments. Sewn binding with Chinese   with gold printed blue linen. Condition B.
         seal. b) Calligraphy, written with the   landscape. 20th c. Ink and colors on silk.   33.5x30cm. Frame 134.5x49.5cm. Sign.:   Cheng Zihe, Fuzhai han mo. Mounted as   paper. 38x33cm. Condition A/B.   Dust jacket missing, back bleached, traces
         fingers ‘zhi zhang quan’. 66.5x43.5cm.   115x32.5cm. Inscription and seal.   Wenbin Qian Youcun. Seal: Wenbin.        hanging scroll. Condition A.     Provenance:                      of use.
         Hu Wenfu (1938 - ). Dated 1999.   Provenance:                     Framed with passe - partout and glass.             Provenance:                       - Collection Sigfred Taubert (1914 - 2008).   Provenance:
         Condition A/B.                    - Private collection Northern Germany.   Condition B. Partly browned. A bit dirty. A    - Collection Sigfred Taubert (1914 - 2008).   Managed the Frankfurt Book Fair    - Collection Maria Sophie Baur
         Provenance:                      € 400 – 700 | $ 444 – 777        few insect holes.                                  Managed the Frankfurt Book Fair   1958 - 73.                      (1901 - 1995). From 1923 - 46 she
          - Private collection Northern Germany.                           € 300 – 500 | $ 333 – 555                          1958 - 73.                       € 90 – 120 | $ 100 – 133         successfully run a gymnastics school in
         € 450 – 600 | $ 500 – 666                                                                                            € 400 – 700 | $ 444 – 777                                         Tientsin.
                                                                                                                                                                                                € 2.500 – 3.500 | $ 2.775 – 3.885

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