Page 120 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 120

2528                                                              2529                                               2533                             2534                             2535
         IMPORTANT PAINTING WITH THE      Both families disagreed with the love and   RAZIAH SULTAN ARMOURED                  EIGHTEEN RARE COPPER PRINTS.     LEPORELLO WITH ASANA             NINE ARTIFACTS.
         STORY OF LAYLA AND MAJNUN        prevented their being together, which   ON HORSEBACK.                               France. Printed in Paris from 1787. M.   EXERCISES AND THREE DRAWINGS.  NEUN ARTEFAKTE.
         WITH COMPOSITE ELEPHANT.         was the reason for him to go insane. The   RAZIAH SULTAN IN                         de M. d’Ohsson (Ignatius Mouradgea   LEPORELLO MIT ASANA - ÜBUNGEN   Indonesia. Sumatra. Batak. Early 20th c.
         BEDEUTENDE MALEREI MIT           scene shows the possessed Majnun riding   RÜSTUNG ZU PFERDE.                        d’Ohsson (1740 - 1807)).         UND DREI ZEICHNUNGEN.
         DER GESCHICHTE VON LAILA         an elephant, composed from numerous   Mughal India. Ca. 18th c. Dated 1706/07.                                       Thailand. 19th/20th c.           Buffalo horn, bone, wood, iron.
         UND MADSCHNUN MIT                wild animals. The rocks around the scene                                            Tableau général de l’empire Othoman,                              a) Comb. L.20.5cm. b) Two betel knives.
         KOMPOSIT  - ELEFANT.             are transforming into animals too, and   Pigments and gold leaf on paper. Raziah    divisé en deux parties, dont l’une   Paper with ink and pigments. Leporello   L.21/24cm. c) Pair of figurative stoppers.
         Mughal India. 19th c.            demons appear everywhere. Layla sitting   Sultan (1205 - 1240) ruled Delhi and      comprend la Législation Mahométane;   12.5x37cm, drawing each ca. 29x22cm.   H.9cm. d) Two awls. L.16/19cm. e) Pipe.
                                          naked in a stream and holding a pink iris.   Lahore for four years from 1236. In full   l’autre, l’Histoire de l’Empire Othoman.   On the back with inscription, paper prob.   L.14cm. f) Quiver. L.12cm. Condition B.
         Pigments and gold leaf on paper. The   Probably she is also only a dream image   gallop she turns back. On the ground lies   Dédié au roi de Suede. Volumes I - II. Paris,   recycled. Condition A/B. Supplement:   Supplement: Sarong. Cotton. Natural
         tragic love story of Majnun and his cousin   of Majnun. Complete size: 64x54cm,   her murdered husband Malik Altunia,   de l’Imprimerie de Monsieur, 1787 - 1790.   Kinnari bird. Bronze. Thailand. 19th c.   colors. Warp - Ikat. 134x126cm. Indonesia.
         Layla stems from Arab roots.     26.5x21.5cm. Framed with passe - partout   with whom she had been friends since     Condition B. Foxing, tears and restored.   H.35.5cm. Condition A/B. Partly folded.   Flores. 20th c. Condition B. Faded. Partly
                                          and glass. Condition A/B.        her youth. Complete size: 31.5x19.5cm.             Traces of use.                   Provenance:                      damaged.
                                          € 1.200 – 1.400 | $ 1.332 – 1.554  Inscription and dating on the reverse side.      Provenance:                       - Collection Sigfred Taubert (1914 - 2008).   Provenance:
                                                                           Condition B. Damages at the front hooves            - Collection Sigfred Taubert (1914 - 2008).   Managed the Frankfurt Book Fair    - Munich private collection. Acquired
                                                                           of the horse and two upper corners.                € 400 – 700 | $ 444 – 777        1958 - 73.                       locally in the 1980s.
                                                                           € 1.200 – 1.400 | $ 1.332 – 1.554                                                   € 500 – 700 | $ 555 – 777        € 800 – 1.200 | $ 888 – 1.332

         2530                             2531                             2532                                               2536                             2537                             2538
         JAGANNATHA TRINITY.              IN THE PALACE.                   22 MANUSKRIPT - ILLUSTRATIONEN.                    ZWEI SUZANI.                     AND FLOWERS.                     MANTEL (KHALAT) AUS IKATSEIDE
         VIER BILDER DER                  KÖNIGLICHES PAAR IM              India. 19th/20th c.                                Uzbekistan. 19th/20th c.         SUZANI MIT MEDAILLONS            FÜR EINE DAME.
         JAGANNATHA - TRINITÄT.           NÄCHTLICHEN PALAST.                                                                                                  UND BLUMEN.                      Uzbek or Tajik people. Bukhara.
         India. Orissa. Puri. Late 19th/beg. 20th c.   Mughal India. 19th c.   Pigments, ink and partly with gold leaf        Linen/cotton, embroidered with colorful   Uzbekistan. Bukhara. 19th/20th c.   Uzbekistan. 19th/20th c.
                                                                           on paper. Different scenes in palaces,             silk in chain stitch (ilmok), stem stitch
         Pigments on fabric. Jagannath, Balaram   Pigments and gold leaf on paper. Backed   cities and from hunting. 13.5x8cm to   and laid work (basma). a) Wide frame   Sewn from six handwoven width of   Tabby weave Ikat with silk warp and
         and Subhadra. Ø 22.5/25.5cm,     with paper. 36x26cm. Condition A/B.   32x20.5cm. Condition A/B.                     around a smaller central field with   brown fabric, embroidered with colorful   cotton weft. Pomegranate pattern. The
         26x24/23x21cm. Condition B. Partly   Provenance:                  Provenance:                                        large medallion flowers. Between and   silk. 230x173cm. Condition B. Embroidery   chintz surface partly preserved. Lining
         rubbed, folded and damaged.       - Private collection Rhineland.    - Collection Emil Ball (1907 - 2008).           at the border small flowers scrolls.   partly rubbed.              from printed cotton. L.124cm, w.148cm.
         Provenance:                      € 200 – 300 | $ 222 – 333        Acquired locally in the 1970s - 90s.               174x110cm. b) Rows of large flowers and   Provenance:              Condition A/B.
          - For generations owned by an important                          € 800 – 1.200 | $ 888 – 1.332                      pomegranate with leaves, smaller frame.    - Private collection Hamburg.   Provenance:
         family in banking in Varanasi, India.                                                                                From two panels from a larger Suzani.   € 500 – 800 | $ 555 – 888   - Private collection Hamburg.
         € 700 – 900 | $ 777 – 999                                                                                            220x77cm. Condition A/B. Both restored                            Compare:
                                                                                                                              professionally.                                                    - Kirdök/Klimburg: Ikat, Textile Art from
                                                                                                                              Provenance:  - Rhenish private collection.                        the Silk Road. Vienna 1993. Compare
                                                                                                                              € 1.500 – 1.800 | $ 1.665 – 1.998                                 no. 18.
                                                                                                                                                                                                € 900 – 1.500 | $ 999 – 1.665

         Asian Art Part II
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