Page 122 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 122

2550                             2551                                                                                2555                             2556                             2557
         SMALL ZUSHI DANA WITH DESIGN     TWO-PART ISHÔ KASANE DANSU.                                                         SEATED BUDDHA.                   BUDDHIST CLOAK WITH SEVEN        LIDDED BOX WITH FIVE
         OF NÔ AND YEARLY FESTIFALS.      ZWEITEILIGES ISHO KASANE DANSU.                                                     SITZENDER BUDDHA.                COLUMNS (KESA UTTARASÔ).         COMPARTMENTS FOR INRÔ.
         Japan. Edo period.               Japan. Tôkyô region. Meiji period.                                                  Japan. 19th/20th c.              BUDDHISTISCHER UMHANG            KASTEN MIT FÜNF FÄCHERN FÜR
                                          Late 19th c.                                                                                                         MIT SIEBEN KOLUMNEN              INRÔ.
         Different woods, like kaki. Hira and                                                                                 Wood with residue of lacquer. H.19.8cm.   (KESA UTTARASÔ).        Japan. 19th/20th c.
         takamaki - e in gold and silver, gold foil,   Paulownia wood (kiri) with dark red   hidden compartment. Both parts secured   Condition B. Both hands broken off,   Japan. Edo period. 18th/19th c.
         black and red lacquer. On the upper and   bengara lacquer. Fittings and nails   with fittings and latches. The central   worm damage. Supplement: Photo of                              Wood with black lacquer (a bit
         the other sides each a design with set   from iron lacquered black. The upper   fitting with a butterfly pattern (mon).Two   the Buddha.                Silk nishiki with woven pattern, gilt paper   browned), inscription with gold lacquer
         pieces of famous Nô plays and yearly   part with two large drawers behind   part, set on top of each other. H.106cm,   € 300 – 500 | $ 333 – 555      strips (kin hirahaku). Lining: Silk damask.   (prob.: Imperial Inrô), ribbon. H.5.5cm,
         festivals. Rake and broom from Sumiyoshi   a pair of lockable doors. The lower   98x48cm. Condition A/B. Traces of use.                               108x213cm. Condition B/C. Bleached,   34.7x21.8cm. Condition A/B. Smaller
         and Takasago, wall and flowering plum   part with two large drawers and small   Provenance:                                                            darkened, repaired.              chips, traces of use.
         of Tenmangu ji, the water of Gokusui no   safe - compartment in kinko - style. Behind    - Private collection Cologne.                                € 500 – 900 | $ 555 – 999        € 200 – 400 | $ 222 – 444
         En, the wine pot with cup and dipper   the door three small drawers and a   € 1.500 – 2.500 | $ 1.665 – 2.775
         of Shôjô. H.21.5cm, 25.5x16.5cm.
         Condition B. Cracks in the wood.
         € 1.000 – 1.400 | $ 1.110 – 1.554

         2552                             2553                             2554                                               2558                             2559                             2560
         FOR USE ON A SHIP.               TRUHE FÜR AUSSTEUER (BANDAJI).   CHARACTERS.                                        A RECUMBENT OX.                  TENAGA AND RAKUGO RECITER.       SEITENWENDER MIT SHÔKI UND ONI.
         SCHIFFSKASTEN FÜR                North Korea. Pyongyang. Late 19th c.   HOLZSCHILD MIT INSCHRIFT.                    GROßES OKIMONO EINES             ZWEI NETSUKE: ASHINAGA UND       Japan. Meiji period (1868 - 1912).
         SCHREIBUTENSILIEN.                                                China or Japan. 19th c.                            LIEGENDEN OCHSEN.                TENAGA UND RAKUGO - REZITATOR.
         Japan. Edo period.               Wood, lacquered dark and polished.                                                  Japan. 19th/20th c.              Japan. 19th c.                   Carved ivory with fine gold inlays.
                                          Fitting in openwork from iron. Inside   Wood, pigments, iron nails. Inscription:                                                                      L.36cm. Condition A/B.
         Kakesuzuri funadansu. Keyaki wood   covered with old documents. Inside   Hibi kore kôjitsu (Each day is a good day).   Wood stained dark, eyes inlaid with   Boxwood. a) The unequal pair squats   € 400 – 600 | $ 444 – 666 | ‡
         lacquered and with iron fittings, interior   a shelf. H.83.5cm, w.89cm, d.42cm.   21x98cm. Sign of luck. Condition B/C.   painted glass. L.27cm. Sign.   together on the floor. H.3.7cm.
         drawers from paulownia wood. The   Condition A/B.                 Withered.                                          unread. Condition A/B.           Condition B. Left arm of Tenaga
         iron plating on the lockable door   € 800 – 1.200 | $ 888 – 1.332  Provenance:                                       € 1.000 – 1.200 | $ 1.110 – 1.332  reattached. b) With a notebook.
         decorated with pine trees. Inside five                              - Collection Sigfred Taubert (1914 - 2008).                                        H.3.3cm. Condition A/B.
         drawers, two larger ones over the entire                          Managed the Frankfurt Book Fair                                                     Provenance:
         width and three smaller ones at the                               1958 - 73.                                                                           - Collection Sigfred Taubert (1914 - 2008).
         bottom. H.44.5cm, w.39.5cm, d.47cm.                                - Present from Mrs. Meklenburg,                                                    Leading the Frankfurt Book Fair 1958 - 73.
         Condition A/B. Patina of use.                                     Kyoto, May 1999. Noted at the back.                                                 € 500 – 900 | $ 555 – 999
         Provenance:                                                       € 250 – 350 | $ 278 – 389
          - Private collection Rhineland.
         € 500 – 700 | $ 555 – 777

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