Page 287 - September 23 to 24 Important Chinese Art Christie's NYC
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The horseshoe-back armchair is one of four types of Chinese chairs, and   harmony with the simple lines of the upper half of the chair. No doubt the
          is distinguished by its rounded crestrail and out-swept hooks. The form   wealthy family who commissioned this pair was able to afford the highest
          is commonly found; however, it is rare to find a pair of such generous   quality material and workmanship.
          proportions and beautifully selected material. The chairs are robust in
          their scale, featuring a wide backsplat and broadly curving crestrail. The   For a discussion of this chair shape, see R.H. Ellsworth, Chinese Furniture:
          attractively-grained backsplats were cut from the same section of wood,   Hardwood Examples of the Ming and Early Ch'ing Dynasty, New York, 1971, pp. 86-
          characterized by the distinctive peak of the grain at the top and the vigorous   87, and Wang Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture: Ming and Early Qing
          swirls and striping on the lower half, and suggests that the chairs were   Dynasties, Hong Kong, 1990, pp. 43-45. A set of four huanghuali horseshoe-back
          commissioned as a pair. The sweep of the crestrail is wide and has an   armchairs, of smaller proportions, but also with vigorously grained backsplats
          elegance of movement not seen in examples of smaller proportions. Further,   and gracefully curved crestrails is published by Grace Wu Bruce, Ming Furniture¸
          the quality of the material is consistent throughout both chairs indicating   30 October-18 November 1995, p. 48, no. 23. See, also, a pair of huanghuali
          that the workshop has ample, high quality material to select from. Although   horseshoe-back armchairs of similar proportions, carved with a ruyi-medallion on
          the chair is generously proportioned, there is no sense of heaviness. The   the backsplat, sold at Christie’s New York: The Marie Theresa L. Virata Collection
          aprons are high and finely cusped and restrained in design, in perfect   of Asian Art: A Family Legacy, 16 March 2017, lot 607.

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