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P. 284

                                                              A HUANGHUALI RECESSED-LEG TABLE
                                                              17TH CENTURY
                                                              The single-panel top is set within a wide rectangular frame above beaded
                                                              aprons and spandrels. The whole is supported on thick legs of rounded section
                                                              joined by pairs of stretchers.
                                                              32¿ in. (81.6 cm.) high, 79¿ in. (201 cm.) wide, 20 in. (50.8 cm) deep
                                                              Mr. Albert Chock (1915-1961) and Mrs. Frances Zane Chock (1917- 1997)
                                                              Collection, Honolulu, Hawaii, and thence by descent.
                                                              Honolulu, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Chinese Hardwood Furniture in Hawaiian
                                                              Collections, 16 January-14 February 1982, no. 17.
                                                              Ellsworth R. H., Chinese Hardwood Furniture in Hawaiian Collections, Honolulu,
                                                              1982, p. 47, pl. 17.

          Mr. and Mrs. Chock with friends at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, 7 May 1955.   夏威夷私人珍藏
          Photographer unknown.                               十七世紀 黃花梨平頭案
          Chock 伉儷與友人攝於檀香山藝術博物館,1955年5月7日,攝影師不詳。
                                                              Albert Chock (1915-1961年) 暨 Frances Zane Chock (1917- 1997年) 伉儷珍
                                                              藏, 檀香山, 夏威夷, 後家族傳承。
                                                              檀香山,檀香山藝術學院,Chinese Hardwood Furniture in Hawaiian
                                                              Collections,1982年1月16日-2月14日, 編號 17。
                                                              安思遠,《Chinese Hardwood Furniture in Hawaiian Collections》, 檀香山,
                                                              1982年, 頁47, 圖版17。
                                                              Dr. Gustav and Betty Ecke first met Albert C. and Frances Zane Chock at the
                                                              Honolulu Art Academy, but their friendship was cemented when they became
                                                              neighbors. Their houses were separated by hairpin turns on the lone road that
                                                              joined windward O’ahu with downtown Honolulu. Avoided by many as the site
          The present table as illustrated in Chinese Hardwood Furniture in Hawaiian
          Collections¸1982. © Honolulu Museum of Art. Photographer unknown.  of the retreating Kamehameha ghost warriors, Mr. Chock chose this stretch of
                                                              the path leading to the Nu’uanu Pali to build his home. Mrs. Chock’s fireplace
          此案載於1982年安思遠著《Chinese Hardwood Furniture in Hawaiian Collections》。©檀香山
          藝術博物館。攝影師不詳。                                        was the scene for many elegant society parties, which the Eckes attended, and
                                                              she maintained her friendship with Betty after Dr. Ecke’s death. Upon Dr. Ecke’s
                                                              recommendation, the Chocks acquired the huanghuali table and the huanghuali
                                                              chair (lot 999) for their home.
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