Page 302 - September 23 to 24 Important Chinese Art Christie's NYC
P. 302

A Mutual Exchange

                         An European-Inspired Zitan Armchair for

                                         the Emperor Qianlong


          This magnificent zitan chair is the fourth surviving example in a   material for Imperial Qing dynasty furniture, which favored elaborately carved
          suite of chairs of this distinctive design. Constructed of the finest quality   and highly-ornamented furnishings. Furniture in this Western-style is termed
          zitan, the armchair is carved in high relief and is influenced by the ornamental   Guangzhou-style or Guangshi decoration, after the port city of Canton in
          style of Rococo design. The chair is a rare example of Western-influenced   Guangdong province, the major trading port for East-West exchange. The
          design executed in zitan using traditional furniture construction techniques.   present chair skillfully weaves together the East-West aesthetic, combining
          The density of the zitan made this material especially suitable for fine and   the lavish ornamental style favored by Europeans with the masterful
          intricate carving and its jade-like, lustrous surface made it the preferred   woodworking skills of the Chinese carpenter.

          此紫檀椅雍容清貴,造型獨樹一幟,這類傳世品僅見四例,本拍品為其中之一。                 至於餘下三件已知近似例,一對經香港佳士得於2008年12月3日拍出 (拍品編號2503)
          通體用頂級紫檀木製作,浮雕紋飾立體,具華美的洛可可裝飾風格。它採用了傳統中式              ,一者於2012年10月24日經紐約愛嘉福 (IGavel) 拍賣行售出 (拍品編號2733451)。愛
          傢具做工,並糅合了西方設計,洵為難得一見的珍品。紫檀木質堅重,尤適於雕作繁密              嘉福拍出的紫檀椅搭腦鑲一金屬小牌,所銘英文大意為「此乃耶穌教傳教士於1736
          考究的紋飾,兼之表面光潤如玉,故被視為製造清代御製傢具的上等材質,而清室亦               年進獻乾隆皇帝的黑色硬木雕花座椅之一」。該套座椅的總數雖已無從稽考,但訂
          對雕工精良、紋飾繁縟的作品情有獨鍾。中西合璧的裝飾風格又名「廣式」,得名於廣              製一堂多件傢具作為宮殿陳設,在當年可謂司空見慣。
          東境內中西交流的重要商埠 —— 廣州。本拍品巧妙地結合了東西方美學,將風行歐洲

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