Page 306 - September 23 to 24 Important Chinese Art Christie's NYC
P. 306

(another view)

                    Lt. Col. Robert Gray Peck (1879-1956) held the position of Second Lieutenant
                    in the Peking Legation Guards from 1903 to 1904, and acquired the zitan
                    chair and the huanghuali table (lot 1009) while stationed in China. He was a
                    highly decorated military officer, and held several honors for bravery and acts
                    of individual heroism, including a Distinguished Service Cross for the capture
                    of an entire Battery with the aid of two runners in France during World War
                    I. Born into a prominent Newark, New Jersey family, his engagement to
                    Miss Alice Hyde Fessenden (1884-1977) of Highland Park, Chicago, and a
                    Daughter of the American Revolution, was announced in the Chicago Tribune
                    in 1906.
                    The present chair and the huanghuali table (lot 1010) have remained within
                    the family collection since their arrival in the United States in 1904.

                    1903至1905年期間,裴洛魁中校 (Robert Gray Peck,1879至1956年) 時任北京公使衛隊
                    少尉,而是次拍賣的紫檀扶手椅及黃花梨翹頭案 (拍品編號1009) 即其駐華時期購藏所
                    他在兩名傳令兵協助下,於法國俘獲整個炮兵連,並為此獲頒傑出服役十字勳章。他出              Miss Alice Hyde Fessenden and Lt. Col. Robert
                    身新澤西州紐瓦克的名門望族,《芝加哥論壇報》曾於1906年刊載他與來自芝加哥高             Gray Peck as published in their engagement
                    地的費艾海小姐 (Alice Hyde Fessenden,「美國革命後代婦聯」成員,1884至1977年) 訂  announcement, The Chicago Daily Tribune,
                    婚之喜訊。                                               30 April 1906. Photographer unknown.
                    本拍品及黃花梨翹頭案於1904年運抵美國,自此一直在裴氏家族世代相傳。                 報,1906年4月30日,攝影師不詳。

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