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           The sale of the present selection of items from the collection   of the Hultmark collection is now kept alongside the Swedish
           of the Swedish academic Emil Hultmark (1872–1943) is   Royal collection in the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities
           a reminder of the pioneering role these collectors had in   in Stockholm, all similarly fulfilling an essential role in the
           the development of our knowledge in the complex fields   teaching of Chinese Art in the West.
           of the decorative arts of China. One of the co-founders of   Collectors at that time would have had very little literature
           the ‘Kinaklubben’ (China Club) in Stockholm in the 1920s,   available at hand to identify the items they were acquiring,
           together with Carl Kempe (1884–1967) and Crown Prince   and mostly created their own literature and exhibition
           Gustav Adolf, Emil Hultmark was a contemporary of famous   catalogues. They greatly relied on their exchanges with fellow
           European collectors such as George Eumorfopoulos (1863–  collectors within clubs and antique societies to research their
           1939) and Sir Percival David (1892–1964) in England, and   acquisitions and periodically exhibit their collections.
           Alfred Baur (1865–1951) in Switzerland. While the Percival
           David and Eumorfopoulos collections are now preserved in   Several items in the present sale were included in an exhibition
           the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum in   dedicated to his collection at the Royal Academy of Art in
           London and the Baur collection in Geneva, a significant part   Stockholm in 1942 (fig. 1). This exhibition included Oriental

           fig. 2                                                                fig. 1
           The interior of Hultmark residence at 32 Birger Jarlsgatan street, Stockholm, 1936  The catalogue cover of the 1942 exhibition of the
           圖二                                                                    collection of Emil Hultmark
           斯德哥爾摩比列雅街32號 Emil Hultmark 伉儷寓所室內陳設,攝於1936年                           圖一
                                                                                 1942年 Emil Hultmark 收藏展覽圖錄封面
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