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Hans Östrom 收藏,斯德哥爾摩
skilfully reticulated as a sinuous dragon, the mythical beast Emil Hultmark (1872-1943年) 舊藏,此後家族傳承
rendered with incised mane and depicted entwined with dense
clusters of floral scrolls, the pale celadon stone with brown
4.6 cm, 1¾ in.
Collection of Hans Öström, Stockholm.
Collection of Emil Hultmark (1872-1943), and thence by
descent in the family.
HK$ 40,000-60,000
US$ 5,200-7,700
A similar dragon finial, in the Taipei Palace Museum, was 可參考一龍紋類例,台北故宮博物院藏,展覽並載錄於《
included in the Museum’s exhibition Age of the Great Khan. 大汗的世紀:蒙元時代的多元文化與藝術》,台北,2001
Pluralism in Chinese Art and Culture Under the Mongols, Taipei, 年,編號IV-7。另可參考一北京故宮博物院藏類例,載錄
2001, cat. no. IV-7; another in the Palace Museum, Beijing, is
illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum. 於《故宮博物院藏品大系玉器:明》,卷6,北京,2011
Jade. Ming Dynasty, vol. 6, Beijing, 2011, pl. 110; and a third 年,圖版110。湖北省鍾祥市梁莊王朱瞻與王妃魏氏墓出
was excavated from the tomb of Prince Zhuang of Liang and 土也有一例,展覽於《明朝:改變中國的50年》,大英博
Lady Wei at Zhongxiang, Hubei province, and included in the 物館,倫敦,2015年,編號46。另見一明代例子,售於
exhibition Ming. 50 Years that Changed China, British Museum,
London, 2015, cat. no. 46. See also a Ming dynasty reticulated 香港蘇富比2018年10月3日,編號3355,以及一件為沐文
finial sold in these rooms 3rd October 2018, lot 3355, and 堂收藏,售於香港蘇富比2016年12月1日,編號170。
another sold on 1st December 2016, lot 170, from the Muwen
Tang Collection. Brian S. McElney 在其專文〈Han to Song Chinese
According to Brian S. McElney in ‘Han to Song Chinese Jades’, Jades〉中指出,此類鏤空玉飾此前未見,「應始於金而
Roger Keverne (ed.), Jade, London, 1991, p. 118, ‘The relatively 盛於元」,大多為琢玉技術大幅進步的成果。見 Roger
sudden appearance of such open-work [during the Jin-Yuan Keverne 編,《Jade》,倫敦,1991年,頁118。另可
dynasty] probably resulted from improved techniques for 參考大英博物館藏相類例子及有關討論,詳見羅森,
carving jade, which must have been introduced at this time’. 《Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing》,倫
For several comparable examples in the British Museum and
extensive discussion on these finials see Jessica Rawson, 敦,1995年,頁338-339,圖版25:15。
Chinese Jade: From the Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995, pp.
338-339, no. 25:15.
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