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P. 40


           A PARCEL-GILT BRONZE INCENSE BURNER,      明十七世紀    胡文明製鎏金銅簋式爐
           GUI                                                《雲間胡文明製》款
           CENTURY                                   來源:
                                                     Emil Hultmark (1872-1943年) 舊藏,此後家族傳承
           the compressed body surmounted by a pair of mythical
           animal heads issuing loop handles, chased in relief with a
           band of auspicious emblems, the base incised with Yunjian
           Hu Wenming zhi (made by Hu Wenming of Yunjian) within a
           rectangular gilt panel
           14.7 cm, 5¾ in.

           Collection of Emil Hultmark (1872-1943), and thence by
           descent in the family.

           HK$ 50,000-70,000
           US$ 6,400-9,000

           Hu Wenming from Songjiang, Jiangsu province, was one of   胡文明,晚明人,居雲間(今江蘇松江),擅製銅器,以
           the most accomplished master metalworkers of the late Ming   其鎏金文房器皿見長,工甚精,所見甚少。
           period, who specialised in the production of gilt-metal vessels
           for the scholar’s desk.                  可比較一類例,為水松石山房藏,後售於香港蘇富比2014
           Other closely related incense burners of gui form by Hu   年4月8日,編號240,及另一類例為好善簃收藏,後售於香
           Wenming have been sold in these rooms, one from the Water,  港蘇富比2015年12月3日,編號79。
           Pine and Stone Retreat collection, 8th April 2014, lot 240, the
           other from the collection of Mr and Mrs Gerard Hawthorn, 3rd
           December 2015, lot 79. They share the same archaistic gui
           form, skilful use of chased and beaten registers of decoration
           and are flanked by similar taotie mask handles.


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