Page 104 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Hong Kong Fine Chinese art
P. 104

                 WANG XUETAO (1903-1982); QI GONG (1912-2005)      上款:「麗娜」即程麗娜,藝術家劉開渠(1904-1993)先生夫人,中
                 Peonies and Bamboos; Calligraphy in Running Script   央美術學院舞台美術系教授。
                 Ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, folding fan
                 Inscribed and signed Xuetao, with a dedication and one seal of the   註:扇骨由江寒汀起稿,製扇名家徐素白(1909-1975)刻。徐素白,
                 artist. The reverse inscribed and signed Qi Gong, dated 1976, with a   字根泉,號曉鐘。江蘇常州人。少時赴上海習製扇刻工,並廣交滬上
                 dedication and two seals of the artist            藝術家,如江寒汀、錢瘦鐵、唐雲、程十髮等。
                 17.8 x 49.8cm (7 x 19⅝in)
                 HKD15,000 - 25,000                                YU FEIAN (1889-1959); WU LEICHUAN (1869-1944)
                 US$1,900 - 3,200                                  Bird and Flower; Calligraphy in Running Script
                                                                   Ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, folding fan
                 王雪濤 牡丹墨竹圖 設色紙本 成扇                                 Inscribed and signed Fei’an, dated guiwei year (1943), with a dedication
                 啟功 行書錄毛澤東〈十六字令〉 水墨紙本 一九七六年作                       and one seal of the artist. The reverse inscribed and signed Wu
                                                                   Leichuan, with a dedication and two seals of the artist
                 款識:                                               18 x 46.5cm (7⅛ x 18¼in)
                 (另面)                                              HKD25,000 - 35,000
                 (毛澤東〈十六字令〉,詳詩不錄)十六字令三首,毛主席詞。                      US$3,200 - 4,500
                                                                   于非闇 滇南鶴頂紅 設色紙本 成扇 一九四三年作
                 鈐印:王雪濤印                                           吳雷川 行書張船山詩一首 水墨紙本

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