Page 24 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Hong Kong Fine Chinese art
P. 24


                 812                                               813
                 TANG YUN (1910-1993)                              CHEN SHUREN (1884-1948); TIAN HUAN (1893-1982)
                 Zhong kui; Calligraphy in Running Script          Two Birds and Azaheas; Calligraphy in Running Script
                 Ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, folding fan   Ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, folding fan
                 Inscribed and signed Tang Yun, dated wuzi year (1948), with a   Signed Chen Shuren, dated the thirty-sixth year of the Republic era
                 dedication and one seal of the artist. The reverse inscribed and signed   (1947), with a dedication and one seal of the artist. The reverse signed
                 Tang Yun, dated wuzi year (1948), with the same dedication and one   Tian Huan, with the same dedication and two seals of the artist
                 seal of the artist                                18.2 x 48cm (7⅛ x 18⅞in)
                 18.2 x 46.8cm (7⅛ x 18⅜in)
                                                                   HKD20,000 - 30,000
                 HKD20,000 - 30,000                                US$2,600 - 3,900
                 US$2,600 - 3,900
                                                                   陳樹人 黃鸝杜鵑 設色紙本 成扇 一九四七年作
                 唐雲 鍾馗、行書〈清平樂〉 設色、水墨紙本 成扇                          田桓 行書節錄〈靈飛經〉 水墨紙本
                 款識:                                               卅六年夏,鶴亭先生雅正,陳樹人寫。
                 袚除不祥。鶴亭先生雅教,戊子(1948)端午日寫於退齋,大石居士                  (另面)
                 唐雲。                                               (節錄〈靈飛經〉,詳文不錄)臨應鶴亭先生屬書,田桓。
                 (吳梅村〈清平樂〉,詳文不錄)戊子(1948)端午日,於退思齋書                  鈐印:(陳)陳
                 吳梅村〈清平樂〉一闕,似鶴亭先生屬正,大石居士唐雲。                        (田)田桓印信、寄葦延年

                 鈐印:唐、唐雲之印                                         註:田桓,別署寄葦,湖北蘄春人。父田士蓮乃清末新派學者,兄田桐
                 註:扇骨刻錄崔塗〈孤雁二首·幾行歸去盡〉。                             入東京美術學校,期間追隨孫中山,任秘書達十二年。建國後,任上海

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