Page 49 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Hong Kong Fine Chinese art
P. 49


                 ZHANG DAQIAN (CHANG DAI-CHIEN, 1899-1983)         張大千 摩詰山園 水墨卡紙 鏡框 一九五七年作
                 Moji Garden Landscape
                 Ink on cardboard, framed                          款識:
                 Inscribed and signed Zhang Daqian Yuan, with two seals of the artist   丁酉(1957)三月,摩詰山園新種芙蓉初發數萼,欣賞竟日,晚歸寫
                 Dated dingyou year (1957)                         此,快極。張大千爰。
                 27 x 24cm (18¾ x 14⅛in)
                 HKD150,000 - 250,000
                 US$19,000 - 32,000                                來源:
                                                                   法國藝術史學者菲利普・ 斯特恩(1895-1979)舊藏。斯氏乃亞洲音樂
                 Provenance:                                       史家,並專精柬埔寨古代藝術。他一九二九年進入法國巴黎吉美博物
                 Previously in the collection of French art historian Philippe Stern   館任策展人,一九五四年擢升為吉美博物館館長,直至一九六五年榮
                 (1895-1979), who worked at Guimet Museum from 1929-1965 as   休。此幅張大千畫作據悉購自一九五〇至六〇年間,並由家人珍藏至
                 curator, musicologist, and then director from 1954 till his retirement.   今。
                 The painting was acquired between 1950 and 1960, and thence by

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